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19 January 14, 12:44
Artist: Nord Frost
Album: Lacrimis Сaeli
Year: 2013
Style: Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Казахстан
Album: Lacrimis Сaeli
Year: 2013
Style: Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Казахстан
1. Lacrimis Caeli (Intro)
2. In Silva
3. Nord Frost
4. In Terra Nativates Meae
5. Nox Aurea
6. Lacrimis Caeli (Outro)
2. In Silva
3. Nord Frost
4. In Terra Nativates Meae
5. Nox Aurea
6. Lacrimis Caeli (Outro)
Views: 5046
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16 January 14, 12:28
Artist: Dracovallis
Album: On The Road Of Mystery
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Epic Metal / Neo-Classic / Instrumental
Country: Bulgaria
Album: On The Road Of Mystery
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Epic Metal / Neo-Classic / Instrumental
Country: Bulgaria
01. Anthem
02. Cynthia
03. Flight Of The Crow
04. City In Ruins
05. Facing The Oblivion
06. Forestheart
07. Sinslayer
08. Black Rose In My Garden
09. Dance With The Celts
10. Dragon's Tale
11. For The King!
12. The Forgotten Sailors
13. Hero's Destiny
14. A Candle And An Hourglass
15. Star Chariots
16. The Summoning
17. Wrath Of The Dunes
02. Cynthia
03. Flight Of The Crow
04. City In Ruins
05. Facing The Oblivion
06. Forestheart
07. Sinslayer
08. Black Rose In My Garden
09. Dance With The Celts
10. Dragon's Tale
11. For The King!
12. The Forgotten Sailors
13. Hero's Destiny
14. A Candle And An Hourglass
15. Star Chariots
16. The Summoning
17. Wrath Of The Dunes
Views: 3366
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11 January 14, 01:19
Artist: Suncrown
Album: You Are Not Alone
Year: 2014
Style: Symphonic Epic Metal / Symphonic Power Metal (Female and Male Vocals)
Country: International
Album: You Are Not Alone
Year: 2014
Style: Symphonic Epic Metal / Symphonic Power Metal (Female and Male Vocals)
Country: International
01. The Beginning Is Near (05:21)
02. Who Are You (04:09)
03. You’re Not Alone (04:05)
04. Grandfather’s Song (06:05)
05. Primordial Call (05:44)
06. Open The Winds (04:15)
07. Victory Inside You (02:07)
08. Just Like You (04:40)
09. Sometimes This Life (04:35)
10. Push (03:29)
11. Gates Of Babylon (Rainbow Cover) (06:32)
Suncrown - это международная Symphonic/Epic Metal группа. Состав сформировался в 2011 году.
В июле 2011 года Suncrown выпускает свой первый клип на трек “Follow Your Dream” с вокалисткой Megan Lewis и барабанщиком Brandon Vinson. В октябре этого же года Suncrown выпустил еще один видеоклип в память о Ронни Джеймс Дио "Children of the Sea (Black Sabbath cover)" с легендарными ударником Vinny Appice (Dio, Black Sabbath и Heaven & Hell). В ноябре к коллективу присоединяется ударник Tim Zuidberg (Нидерланды) принеся с собой огромный заряд энергии и новые идеи в группу. 3 ноября состоялся релиз полноформатного альбома "Follow Your Dream".
02. Who Are You (04:09)
03. You’re Not Alone (04:05)
04. Grandfather’s Song (06:05)
05. Primordial Call (05:44)
06. Open The Winds (04:15)
07. Victory Inside You (02:07)
08. Just Like You (04:40)
09. Sometimes This Life (04:35)
10. Push (03:29)
11. Gates Of Babylon (Rainbow Cover) (06:32)
Suncrown - это международная Symphonic/Epic Metal группа. Состав сформировался в 2011 году.
В июле 2011 года Suncrown выпускает свой первый клип на трек “Follow Your Dream” с вокалисткой Megan Lewis и барабанщиком Brandon Vinson. В октябре этого же года Suncrown выпустил еще один видеоклип в память о Ронни Джеймс Дио "Children of the Sea (Black Sabbath cover)" с легендарными ударником Vinny Appice (Dio, Black Sabbath и Heaven & Hell). В ноябре к коллективу присоединяется ударник Tim Zuidberg (Нидерланды) принеся с собой огромный заряд энергии и новые идеи в группу. 3 ноября состоялся релиз полноформатного альбома "Follow Your Dream".
Views: 3353
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9 January 14, 08:57
Artist: Under Sanitys' Bane
Album: A Cosmic Tragedy
Year: 2014
Style: Symphonic Power Metal (Female Vocals)
Country: Germany
Album: A Cosmic Tragedy
Year: 2014
Style: Symphonic Power Metal (Female Vocals)
Country: Germany
01. Welcome (Intro)
02. Under The Black Banner
03. Vulturius
04. A Cosmic Tragedy
05. The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
06. A Pirates Tale
07. My Last Chapter
08. Storms of Rage
09. Iele
Немецкий ответ на итальянский Skylark. Конечно не прямолинейная копия, их музыка более быстрая и несколько тяжелее, хотя по мелодичности, наверное, не уступает. Группа существует с 2012 года. Записали демо, затем ЕР и вот - полноформатник. На дебютнике поёт новая вокалистка - Christina Grijalva.
02. Under The Black Banner
03. Vulturius
04. A Cosmic Tragedy
05. The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
06. A Pirates Tale
07. My Last Chapter
08. Storms of Rage
09. Iele
Немецкий ответ на итальянский Skylark. Конечно не прямолинейная копия, их музыка более быстрая и несколько тяжелее, хотя по мелодичности, наверное, не уступает. Группа существует с 2012 года. Записали демо, затем ЕР и вот - полноформатник. На дебютнике поёт новая вокалистка - Christina Grijalva.
Views: 3365
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8 January 14, 22:11
Artist: Anberlin
Album: Best Of Anberlin
Year: 2014
Style: Alternative Rock
Country: USA
Album: Best Of Anberlin
Year: 2014
Style: Alternative Rock
Country: USA
01. The Feel Good Drag
02. Godspeed
03. Paperthin Hymn
04. The Unwinding Cable Car
05. Time & Confusion
06. A Day Late
07. Ready Fuels
08. Foreign Language
09. (*Fin)
10. Never Take Friendship Personal
11. Adelaide
Anberlin — американская группа, которая играет в стиле альтернативный рок, из города Винтер Хэвен во Флориде. Anberlin была сформирована в 2002, в тот же год они подписали контракт со студией «Tooth and Nail Records» и выпустили свой дебютный альбом «Blueprints for the Black Market». В 2005 группа выпустила свой второй альбом, который был назван «Never Take Friendship Personal», проданный в количестве 150 тысяч копий.
02. Godspeed
03. Paperthin Hymn
04. The Unwinding Cable Car
05. Time & Confusion
06. A Day Late
07. Ready Fuels
08. Foreign Language
09. (*Fin)
10. Never Take Friendship Personal
11. Adelaide
Anberlin — американская группа, которая играет в стиле альтернативный рок, из города Винтер Хэвен во Флориде. Anberlin была сформирована в 2002, в тот же год они подписали контракт со студией «Tooth and Nail Records» и выпустили свой дебютный альбом «Blueprints for the Black Market». В 2005 группа выпустила свой второй альбом, который был назван «Never Take Friendship Personal», проданный в количестве 150 тысяч копий.
Views: 2889
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28 December 13, 16:43
Artist: Gwydion
Album: Veteran
Year: 2013
Style: Epic Folk Metal / Viking Metal
Country: Portugal
Album: Veteran
Year: 2013
Style: Epic Folk Metal / Viking Metal
Country: Portugal
01. Timeless Conception
02. Womb of Fire
03. Endurance of the Mind
04. Math of War
05. Trail to a New Land
06. Brewed to Taste Like Glory
07. Years of Peace
08. Lured to Comfort
09. Fighting to the End
10. Path of Shadows
11. Veteran
Проект Gwydion был основан в 1995 году, группой единомышленников, которых объединяла страсть к металу и кельтской культуре. Несколько лет ушло на совершенствование мастерства и поиск собственного музыкального стиля, который в итоге оформился в melodic black metal, густо замешанный на кельтской мифологии и древних традициях и ритуалах. Однако из за многочисленных сменах в составе и внутренних разногласий к записи первого альбома португальцы приступили лишь в 2008 году. К этому времени они играли в стиле folk/viking/pagan, правда, не забывая и о своих блэк-металических корнях. Вышедший в феврале 2008 года, альбом «Ynys Mön» получил хорошие отклики в прессе, а группа заработала статус - «многообещающая». Gwydion отправляются в европейское турне Ragnarok Aaskeria’s Tour с такими грандами, как Tyr, Hollenthon, Alestorm и Svartsot.
02. Womb of Fire
03. Endurance of the Mind
04. Math of War
05. Trail to a New Land
06. Brewed to Taste Like Glory
07. Years of Peace
08. Lured to Comfort
09. Fighting to the End
10. Path of Shadows
11. Veteran
Проект Gwydion был основан в 1995 году, группой единомышленников, которых объединяла страсть к металу и кельтской культуре. Несколько лет ушло на совершенствование мастерства и поиск собственного музыкального стиля, который в итоге оформился в melodic black metal, густо замешанный на кельтской мифологии и древних традициях и ритуалах. Однако из за многочисленных сменах в составе и внутренних разногласий к записи первого альбома португальцы приступили лишь в 2008 году. К этому времени они играли в стиле folk/viking/pagan, правда, не забывая и о своих блэк-металических корнях. Вышедший в феврале 2008 года, альбом «Ynys Mön» получил хорошие отклики в прессе, а группа заработала статус - «многообещающая». Gwydion отправляются в европейское турне Ragnarok Aaskeria’s Tour с такими грандами, как Tyr, Hollenthon, Alestorm и Svartsot.
Views: 3461
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25 December 13, 20:57
Artist: Darkyra Black
Album: Dragon Tears
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Gothic Metal (Female Vocals)
Country: Australia
Album: Dragon Tears
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Gothic Metal (Female Vocals)
Country: Australia
01.Madoka's Lament
02.Lullaby Of Death
03.Eyes Wide Shut
04.Japanese Frankenstein
06.Before I Wither
07.Cold Cold Stone
08.Newer Know
09.Tears By Candlelight
10.Kiss Of Dragon
11.Dragon Tears
Dragon Tears – дебютный альбом австралийской группы. Музыка, исполняемая Darkyra Black это прекрасная смесь из Symphonic Metal, Epic Metal, Gothic Metal и Progressive Rock. Как интересное дополнение включение элементов из традиционной японской пентатонной музыки.
02.Lullaby Of Death
03.Eyes Wide Shut
04.Japanese Frankenstein
06.Before I Wither
07.Cold Cold Stone
08.Newer Know
09.Tears By Candlelight
10.Kiss Of Dragon
11.Dragon Tears
Dragon Tears – дебютный альбом австралийской группы. Музыка, исполняемая Darkyra Black это прекрасная смесь из Symphonic Metal, Epic Metal, Gothic Metal и Progressive Rock. Как интересное дополнение включение элементов из традиционной японской пентатонной музыки.
Views: 3176
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22 December 13, 17:00
Artist: Irem
Album: Obscuritas Aeterna
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Black Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Obscuritas Aeterna
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Black Metal
Country: Germany
01. Eternal Hate
02. Your Blood
03. Temples
04. We’ll Be Free
05. Chains Of Flesh
06. Xul
07. Masks Of Mankind
08. Battle Scene
09. Arrogance
02. Your Blood
03. Temples
04. We’ll Be Free
05. Chains Of Flesh
06. Xul
07. Masks Of Mankind
08. Battle Scene
09. Arrogance
Views: 3231
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18 December 13, 02:55
Artist: VA
Album: Gothic Romance 6
Year: 2013
Style: Gothic Rock / Gothic Metal
Country: Various
Album: Gothic Romance 6
Year: 2013
Style: Gothic Rock / Gothic Metal
Country: Various
01.Theatre of Tragedy - The Breaking
02. To/Die/For - Love's a Sickness
03.In This Moment - Scarlet
04. Xandria - The Dream is Still Alive
05. Poisonblack - The Kiss of Death
06. Destroid - I Walk Slow
07. Tiamat - The Sun Also Rises
08. The 69 Eyes - When a Love Comes to an End
09. Flowing Tears - For Tonight
10. Liv Kristine - Silence
11. Elandor - Goodbye
12. Secret Discovery - Forever in You
13. Brotherhood - So many Stars
14. A Spell Inside - Secrets
15. Solar Fake - I Can't Remember
16. Therion - Eye of Shiva
01. Moonspell - Scorpion Flower
02. Paradise Lost - Worth Fighting For
03. Golden Apes - (The Lights of) Venus
04. De/Vision - Beauty of Decay
05. Imperia - Hold On
06. Krypteria - Turn the World Around
07. Sentenced - No One There
08. Megaherz - Das Licht am Ende der Welt
09. Nik Page feat. Joachim Witt - Dein Kuss
10. Gates of Dawn - The City Sleeps
11. Battlelore - Elves of Luva
12. Diabulus in Musica - Sentenced to Life
13. Heimataerde - Zwischen den Sternen
14. In Strict Confidence - In a Land So Far Away
15. Visions of Atlantis - Last Shut of Your Eyes
16. Arven - My Dear Friend
01.Theatre of Tragedy - The Breaking
02. To/Die/For - Love's a Sickness
03.In This Moment - Scarlet
04. Xandria - The Dream is Still Alive
05. Poisonblack - The Kiss of Death
06. Destroid - I Walk Slow
07. Tiamat - The Sun Also Rises
08. The 69 Eyes - When a Love Comes to an End
09. Flowing Tears - For Tonight
10. Liv Kristine - Silence
11. Elandor - Goodbye
12. Secret Discovery - Forever in You
13. Brotherhood - So many Stars
14. A Spell Inside - Secrets
15. Solar Fake - I Can't Remember
16. Therion - Eye of Shiva
01. Moonspell - Scorpion Flower
02. Paradise Lost - Worth Fighting For
03. Golden Apes - (The Lights of) Venus
04. De/Vision - Beauty of Decay
05. Imperia - Hold On
06. Krypteria - Turn the World Around
07. Sentenced - No One There
08. Megaherz - Das Licht am Ende der Welt
09. Nik Page feat. Joachim Witt - Dein Kuss
10. Gates of Dawn - The City Sleeps
11. Battlelore - Elves of Luva
12. Diabulus in Musica - Sentenced to Life
13. Heimataerde - Zwischen den Sternen
14. In Strict Confidence - In a Land So Far Away
15. Visions of Atlantis - Last Shut of Your Eyes
16. Arven - My Dear Friend
Views: 3653
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10 December 13, 05:13
Artist: Icon and the Black Roses
Album: Thorns
Year: 2013
Style: Gothic Metal / Love Metal
Country: Portugal
Album: Thorns
Year: 2013
Style: Gothic Metal / Love Metal
Country: Portugal
01. Lost
02. Innocence
03. The Painter
04. Wings of a Dreamer
05. Moments of Madnes
06. Devils Made You
07. Healing Touch
08. Sometimes
09. With or Without You
10. Silence is Everything
История «Icon and the Black Roses» началась в 1999 году в Лиссабоне (Португалия) с решения Johnny Icon создать собственную группу. До этого он был гитаристом в нескольких группах, но это его не удовлетворяло. На запись демо, названного “4 Winter Songs”, ушло 6 месяцев. После чего они заключили сделку с «Dark-Wings records». В 2004 году вышел полноформатник «Icon And The Black Roses». Ребята показали неплохой потенциал по написанию красивой лирики и приятных околохитовых мелодий. Они стали хорошими последователями готик-рока.
02. Innocence
03. The Painter
04. Wings of a Dreamer
05. Moments of Madnes
06. Devils Made You
07. Healing Touch
08. Sometimes
09. With or Without You
10. Silence is Everything
История «Icon and the Black Roses» началась в 1999 году в Лиссабоне (Португалия) с решения Johnny Icon создать собственную группу. До этого он был гитаристом в нескольких группах, но это его не удовлетворяло. На запись демо, названного “4 Winter Songs”, ушло 6 месяцев. После чего они заключили сделку с «Dark-Wings records». В 2004 году вышел полноформатник «Icon And The Black Roses». Ребята показали неплохой потенциал по написанию красивой лирики и приятных околохитовых мелодий. Они стали хорошими последователями готик-рока.
Views: 3167
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8 December 13, 03:21
Artist: Black Messiah
Album: Heimweh
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Black Metal / Viking Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Heimweh
Year: 2013
Style: Symphonic Black Metal / Viking Metal
Country: Germany
01. Symphonia Pagana
02. In The Name Of Ancient Gods
03. Jotunheim
04. Wildsau
05. Edmund Von Ostanglien
06. Nidhogg
07. Heimweh
08. Die Quelle Der Weisheit
Black Messiah — немецкий викинг / симфо-блэк-метал музыкальный коллектив, основанный в 1994. Black Messiah начиналась как группа исполняющая только black metal, но, впоследствии, с выходом альбома Oath of a Warrior, жанр изменился на Viking Metal.
02. In The Name Of Ancient Gods
03. Jotunheim
04. Wildsau
05. Edmund Von Ostanglien
06. Nidhogg
07. Heimweh
08. Die Quelle Der Weisheit
Black Messiah — немецкий викинг / симфо-блэк-метал музыкальный коллектив, основанный в 1994. Black Messiah начиналась как группа исполняющая только black metal, но, впоследствии, с выходом альбома Oath of a Warrior, жанр изменился на Viking Metal.
Views: 3498
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4 December 13, 05:43
Artist: Silent Voices
Album: Reveal The Change
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Progressive Metal / Power Metal
Country: Finland
Album: Reveal The Change
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Progressive Metal / Power Metal
Country: Finland
01. The Fear Of Emptiness (9:02)
02. No Turning Back (6:56)
03. Reign Of Terror (7:05)
04. Faith In Me (6:19)
05. Black Water (6:06)
06. Burning Shine (6:00)
07. Through My Prison Walls (11:56)
В записи альбома «Reveal The Change» принимали участие Mats Leven (Therion, Yngwie Malmsteen), Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica), Mike Vescera (Loudness, Yngwie Malmsteen), Mike DiMeo (Rage, Masterplan) и Teemu Koskela (Winterborn).
02. No Turning Back (6:56)
03. Reign Of Terror (7:05)
04. Faith In Me (6:19)
05. Black Water (6:06)
06. Burning Shine (6:00)
07. Through My Prison Walls (11:56)
В записи альбома «Reveal The Change» принимали участие Mats Leven (Therion, Yngwie Malmsteen), Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica), Mike Vescera (Loudness, Yngwie Malmsteen), Mike DiMeo (Rage, Masterplan) и Teemu Koskela (Winterborn).
Views: 3297
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1 December 13, 03:27
Artist: VA
Album: Let's Get Rocked. vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Hard Rock / AOR / Melodic Heavy Metal
Country: Various
Album: Let's Get Rocked. vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Melodic Hard Rock / AOR / Melodic Heavy Metal
Country: Various
01. AC Angry - It‘s Good To Be Bad
02. AOR - Deep Whirlpool
03. Black Hawk - Fear
04. Blitzkrieg - One Last Time
05. Carousel - Long Time
06. Chase The Ace - Made Out Of Ice
07. China - That's A Lot Of Love
08. Dr. X - Rockin' In The Free World
09. Fate - Bridges Are Burning
10. Gonoreas - Still In My Heart
11. Holy Grail - Dark Passenger
12. Kill Devil Hill - Leave It All Behind
13. Lion Twin - Ready To Rock
14. Loud N' Clear - Rise
15. Lucid Dreams - For Your Love
16. Manraze - I Surrender
17. Niterain - Judgement Day
18. Place Vendome - Power Of Music
19. Pompei Nights - High On Adrenaline
20. Revolution Road - Wings Of Hope
21. Roadfever - Wings Of An Eagle
22. Robert Pehrsson's Humbucker - Wasted Time
23. Saturday Overdose - Fallin' Apart
24. Seventh Key - I Will Survive
25. Shinray - I Don't Care
26. Sovversivo - Surrender
27. Stone Glory - Rise
28. Stryper - Sticks and Stones
29. Tigertailz - One Life
30. Wardrum - Looking Back
02. AOR - Deep Whirlpool
03. Black Hawk - Fear
04. Blitzkrieg - One Last Time
05. Carousel - Long Time
06. Chase The Ace - Made Out Of Ice
07. China - That's A Lot Of Love
08. Dr. X - Rockin' In The Free World
09. Fate - Bridges Are Burning
10. Gonoreas - Still In My Heart
11. Holy Grail - Dark Passenger
12. Kill Devil Hill - Leave It All Behind
13. Lion Twin - Ready To Rock
14. Loud N' Clear - Rise
15. Lucid Dreams - For Your Love
16. Manraze - I Surrender
17. Niterain - Judgement Day
18. Place Vendome - Power Of Music
19. Pompei Nights - High On Adrenaline
20. Revolution Road - Wings Of Hope
21. Roadfever - Wings Of An Eagle
22. Robert Pehrsson's Humbucker - Wasted Time
23. Saturday Overdose - Fallin' Apart
24. Seventh Key - I Will Survive
25. Shinray - I Don't Care
26. Sovversivo - Surrender
27. Stone Glory - Rise
28. Stryper - Sticks and Stones
29. Tigertailz - One Life
30. Wardrum - Looking Back
Views: 3294
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25 November 13, 02:33
Artist: Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock
Album: Bridge The Gap [Japanese Edition]
Year: 2013
Style: Hard Rock
Country: Germany
Album: Bridge The Gap [Japanese Edition]
Year: 2013
Style: Hard Rock
Country: Germany
01. Neptune Rising
02. Where The Wild Winds Blow
03. Horizons
04. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely
05. Rock'n'roll Symphony
06. To Live For The King
07. Land Of Thunder
08. Temple Of The Holy
09. Shine On
10. Bridges We Have Burned
11. Because You Lied
12. Black Moon Rising
13. Dance For The Piper
14. Rollin' (vocals Michael Voss) (Bonus Track for Japan)
02. Where The Wild Winds Blow
03. Horizons
04. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely
05. Rock'n'roll Symphony
06. To Live For The King
07. Land Of Thunder
08. Temple Of The Holy
09. Shine On
10. Bridges We Have Burned
11. Because You Lied
12. Black Moon Rising
13. Dance For The Piper
14. Rollin' (vocals Michael Voss) (Bonus Track for Japan)
Views: 2964
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18 November 13, 19:22
Artist: Angra
Album: Angels Cry. 20th Anniversary Tour
Year: 2013
Style: Progressive Power Metal
Country: Brazil
Album: Angels Cry. 20th Anniversary Tour
Year: 2013
Style: Progressive Power Metal
Country: Brazil
01. Angels Cry (07:04)
02. Nothing To Say (06:27)
03. Waiting Silence (04:59)
04. Lisbon (05:08)
05. Time (05:55)
06. Gentle Change (05:34)
07. Late Redemption (05:04)
08. Silence And Distance (05:58)
09. Reaching Horizons (03:26)
10. Stand Away (05:32)
11. Wuthering Heights (04:42)
12. Unfinished Allegro / Carry On (06:29)
13. Rebirth (05:46)
14. In Excelsis (00:54)
15. Nova Era (06:04)
Tarja Turunen
Uli Jon Roth
Russel Allen
«Angra» является главной (наряду с «Sepultura») статьей бразильского тяжелого экспорта. Основал сей проект Андре Матос. Название новоиспеченной группы позаимствовали у богини огня. В 1992-м квинтет выпустил демо «Reaching Horizons», с помощью которого ему удалось достигнуть германских горизонтов. Уже на следующий год бразильцы сидели в гамбургской студии Кая Хансена (того самого из «Gamma Ray») и записывали свой первый альбом. Диск был издан в 1993-м и сразу же получил признание не только широких бразильских масс, но также европейских и в особенности японских. Только в Стране Восходящего солнца было распродано более 100000 экземпляров «Angels Cry». У себя на родине «Angra» ждал полный триумф. Они стали лучшими в куче номинаций, а их клипы «Time» и «Carry On» прочно застряли в эфире бразильского MTV. В 1994-м группа выступала на местном фестивале «Monsters of Rock» в одной связке с «Kiss», «Black Sabbath» и «Slayer».
02. Nothing To Say (06:27)
03. Waiting Silence (04:59)
04. Lisbon (05:08)
05. Time (05:55)
06. Gentle Change (05:34)
07. Late Redemption (05:04)
08. Silence And Distance (05:58)
09. Reaching Horizons (03:26)
10. Stand Away (05:32)
11. Wuthering Heights (04:42)
12. Unfinished Allegro / Carry On (06:29)
13. Rebirth (05:46)
14. In Excelsis (00:54)
15. Nova Era (06:04)
Tarja Turunen
Uli Jon Roth
Russel Allen
«Angra» является главной (наряду с «Sepultura») статьей бразильского тяжелого экспорта. Основал сей проект Андре Матос. Название новоиспеченной группы позаимствовали у богини огня. В 1992-м квинтет выпустил демо «Reaching Horizons», с помощью которого ему удалось достигнуть германских горизонтов. Уже на следующий год бразильцы сидели в гамбургской студии Кая Хансена (того самого из «Gamma Ray») и записывали свой первый альбом. Диск был издан в 1993-м и сразу же получил признание не только широких бразильских масс, но также европейских и в особенности японских. Только в Стране Восходящего солнца было распродано более 100000 экземпляров «Angels Cry». У себя на родине «Angra» ждал полный триумф. Они стали лучшими в куче номинаций, а их клипы «Time» и «Carry On» прочно застряли в эфире бразильского MTV. В 1994-м группа выступала на местном фестивале «Monsters of Rock» в одной связке с «Kiss», «Black Sabbath» и «Slayer».
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16 November 13, 23:56
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.40
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Progressive Metal, Neo-Classic, Medieval Folk Rock, Atmospheric Black Metal, Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.40
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Progressive Metal, Neo-Classic, Medieval Folk Rock, Atmospheric Black Metal, Viking Metal
01. Corelia - Glass Faces
02. Howard Shore - Hope And Memory
03. Nobody One - Third From The Sun
04. The String Quartet - The Show Must Go On
05. Helloween - Halloween
06. Stary Olsa - Kuranta
07. Corelia - Aviation (Demo)
08. Howard Shore - Minas Tirith
09. The String Quartet - Run Like Hell
10. Сирота Евгений - Waiting For The Dawn
11. Stary Olsa - Viva
12. Corelia - Glass Faces (Demo)
13. Howard Shore - The White Tree
14. The String Quartet - The Trial
15. Сирота Евгений - Universe In Fire
16. Stary Olsa - Galjarda-Balet
17. Helloween - Step Out Of Hell
18. Howard Shore - The Steward Of Gondor
19. The String Quartet - Overture 192
20. Сирота Евгений - My Helena
21. Stary Olsa - Tourdion
22. Helloween - Dr Stein
23. Howard Shore - Minas Morgul
24. The String Quartet - Pull Me Under
25. Helloween - We Burn
26. Stary Olsa - Dubravacka
27. Helloween - Steel Tormentor
28. Howard Shore - The Ride Of The Rohirrim
29. The String Quartet - Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
30. Сирота Евгений - Сюита Е-минор
31. Stary Olsa - Saltarello
32. Howard Shore - Twilight And Shadow
33. The String Quartet - As I Am
34. Сирота Евгений - Part With you
35. Stary Olsa - Marazula
36. Helloween - Power
37. Howard Shore - Cirith Ungol
38. The String Quartet - Ytse Jam
39. Stary Olsa - Platerspiel
40. Helloween - Perfect Gentleman
41. Howard Shore - Andúril
42. The String Quartet - The Dance Of Eternity
43. Стары Ольса - Surmy
44. Helloween - Forever And One
45. Howard Shore - Shelob's Lair
46. The String Quartet - Hell's Kitchen
47. Стары Ольса - Oj, rana
48. The String Quartet - Peruvian Skies
49. Howard Shore - Ash And Smoke
50. Avulsed - Amidst The Macabre
51. Axel Rudi Pell - Aqua Solution
52. Стары Ольса-Ula
53. The String Quartet - Porcelain Heart
54. Howard Shore - The Fields Of The Pelennor
55. Danzig - Mother
56. Decrepit Birth - Of Genocide
57. Стары Ольса -Udavec
58. The String Quartet - Windowpane
59. Howard Shore - Hope Fails
60. Devourment - Babykiller
61. Firewind - The Fire and the Fury
62. Стары Ольса - Cjacerka-Padushachka
63. The String Quartet - Bleak
64. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Opens
65. Firewind - Feast Of The Savages
66. Krisiun - Diableros
67. Стары Ольса -Totentanz
68. The String Quartet - Harvest
69. Howard Shore - The End Of All Things
70. Malignancy - Hidden
71. Sabaton - Coat Of Arms
72. Стары Ольса - A que por
73. The String Quartet - Death Whispered a Lullaby
74. Howard Shore - The Return Of The King
75. Savatage - Exit Music
76. Стары Ольса - Shturm
77. The String Quartet - In My Time of Need
78. Howard Shore - The Grey Havens
79. Saxon - Frozen Rainbow
80. Стары Ольса - Vojceh
81. The String Quartet - Dirge for November
82. Howard Shore - Into The West
83. Tarot - De Mortui Nil Nisi Bene
84. Стары Ольса - Totus floreo
85. The String Quartet - Soldier of Fortune
86. Howard Shore - Use Well The Days
87. Volbeat - Intermezzo
88. Стары Ольса - Tourdion
89. The String Quartet - The Funeral Portrait
90. The String Quartet - Hope Leaves
91. Gates Of Ishtar - Perpetual Dawn
92. Flanerie - Urban Decay
93. Sombre Presage - Quand Les Cieux S'eclairciront (Naar Himmelen Klarner)
94. Burzum - Ymber autumnus dunkelheit
95. Sombre Presage- Mauvais Presage (Illa Tiandi)
96. Eton Nir - Journey To Cyrodiil
97. Helloween - Red Socks And The Smell Of Trees
98. Сергей Маврин - Game over
02. Howard Shore - Hope And Memory
03. Nobody One - Third From The Sun
04. The String Quartet - The Show Must Go On
05. Helloween - Halloween
06. Stary Olsa - Kuranta
07. Corelia - Aviation (Demo)
08. Howard Shore - Minas Tirith
09. The String Quartet - Run Like Hell
10. Сирота Евгений - Waiting For The Dawn
11. Stary Olsa - Viva
12. Corelia - Glass Faces (Demo)
13. Howard Shore - The White Tree
14. The String Quartet - The Trial
15. Сирота Евгений - Universe In Fire
16. Stary Olsa - Galjarda-Balet
17. Helloween - Step Out Of Hell
18. Howard Shore - The Steward Of Gondor
19. The String Quartet - Overture 192
20. Сирота Евгений - My Helena
21. Stary Olsa - Tourdion
22. Helloween - Dr Stein
23. Howard Shore - Minas Morgul
24. The String Quartet - Pull Me Under
25. Helloween - We Burn
26. Stary Olsa - Dubravacka
27. Helloween - Steel Tormentor
28. Howard Shore - The Ride Of The Rohirrim
29. The String Quartet - Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
30. Сирота Евгений - Сюита Е-минор
31. Stary Olsa - Saltarello
32. Howard Shore - Twilight And Shadow
33. The String Quartet - As I Am
34. Сирота Евгений - Part With you
35. Stary Olsa - Marazula
36. Helloween - Power
37. Howard Shore - Cirith Ungol
38. The String Quartet - Ytse Jam
39. Stary Olsa - Platerspiel
40. Helloween - Perfect Gentleman
41. Howard Shore - Andúril
42. The String Quartet - The Dance Of Eternity
43. Стары Ольса - Surmy
44. Helloween - Forever And One
45. Howard Shore - Shelob's Lair
46. The String Quartet - Hell's Kitchen
47. Стары Ольса - Oj, rana
48. The String Quartet - Peruvian Skies
49. Howard Shore - Ash And Smoke
50. Avulsed - Amidst The Macabre
51. Axel Rudi Pell - Aqua Solution
52. Стары Ольса-Ula
53. The String Quartet - Porcelain Heart
54. Howard Shore - The Fields Of The Pelennor
55. Danzig - Mother
56. Decrepit Birth - Of Genocide
57. Стары Ольса -Udavec
58. The String Quartet - Windowpane
59. Howard Shore - Hope Fails
60. Devourment - Babykiller
61. Firewind - The Fire and the Fury
62. Стары Ольса - Cjacerka-Padushachka
63. The String Quartet - Bleak
64. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Opens
65. Firewind - Feast Of The Savages
66. Krisiun - Diableros
67. Стары Ольса -Totentanz
68. The String Quartet - Harvest
69. Howard Shore - The End Of All Things
70. Malignancy - Hidden
71. Sabaton - Coat Of Arms
72. Стары Ольса - A que por
73. The String Quartet - Death Whispered a Lullaby
74. Howard Shore - The Return Of The King
75. Savatage - Exit Music
76. Стары Ольса - Shturm
77. The String Quartet - In My Time of Need
78. Howard Shore - The Grey Havens
79. Saxon - Frozen Rainbow
80. Стары Ольса - Vojceh
81. The String Quartet - Dirge for November
82. Howard Shore - Into The West
83. Tarot - De Mortui Nil Nisi Bene
84. Стары Ольса - Totus floreo
85. The String Quartet - Soldier of Fortune
86. Howard Shore - Use Well The Days
87. Volbeat - Intermezzo
88. Стары Ольса - Tourdion
89. The String Quartet - The Funeral Portrait
90. The String Quartet - Hope Leaves
91. Gates Of Ishtar - Perpetual Dawn
92. Flanerie - Urban Decay
93. Sombre Presage - Quand Les Cieux S'eclairciront (Naar Himmelen Klarner)
94. Burzum - Ymber autumnus dunkelheit
95. Sombre Presage- Mauvais Presage (Illa Tiandi)
96. Eton Nir - Journey To Cyrodiil
97. Helloween - Red Socks And The Smell Of Trees
98. Сергей Маврин - Game over
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16 November 13, 23:54
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.39
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Atmospheric Black Metal, Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.39
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Atmospheric Black Metal, Viking Metal
01. Стары Ольса - Анёл
02. Howard Shore - Breath Of Life
03. Jelonek - Quiet Passing
04. The String Quartet - In The Flesh
05. Dream Theater - After Life
06. Nobody One - Bring It On
07. Nocturnal Symphony - Cellar Dweller
08. Helloween - Walls Of Jericho
09. Corelia - Treetops
10. The String Quartet - Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
11. Сирота Евгений - My Rage
12. Стары Ольса - Брама
13. Howard Shore - The Hornburg
14. Corelia - Glass Faces
15. Dream Theater - The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun
16. Nobody One - Chasing The Beyond
17. Nocturnal Symphony - Boomstick
18. Helloween - Ride The Sky
19. The String Quartet - Mother
20. Сирота Евгений - The 21st Century City
21. Стары Ольса - Шлях
22. Corelia - The Sound of Glaciers Moving
23. Howard Shore - Forth Eorlingas
24. Dream Theater - The Ytsejam
25. Nobody One - Edgie The Wall Eater
26. Nocturnal Symphony - Control Your Demons
27. Helloween - Future World
28. The String Quartet - Goodbye Blue Sky
29. Helloween - Moshi Moshi - Shiki No Uta
30. Stary Olsa - Pryvitalny
31. Corelia - Aviation
32. Howard Shore - Isengard Unleashed
33. Dream Theater - Cry For Freedom
34. Nobody One - Home
35. Nocturnal Symphony - Trioxin Theme (Return of the Living Dead Theme)
36. Helloween - Irritation
37. The String Quartet - Young Lust
38. Сирота Евгений - Anywhere In Space
39. Stary Olsa - Totentanz
40. Corelia - Red Sky Harbor
41. Howard Shore - Samwise The Brave
42. Dream Theater - The Killing Hand
43. Nobody One - Trapper
44. Nocturnal Symphony - Darkness Falls
45. Helloween - Sole Survivor
46. The String Quartet - One of My Turns
47. Сирота Евгений - Hero Of My Life
48. Stary Olsa - Dvorny
49. Corelia - Mute Swan
50. Howard Shore - Gollum's Song
51. Dream Theater - Resurrection Of Ernie
52. Nobody One - Rumble
53. Nocturnal Symphony - Something in the Dark
54. Helloween - First Time
55. The String Quartet - Hey You
56. Сирота Евгений - 19 Years
57. Stary Olsa - Favaryt
58. Corelia - Blood Petals
59. Howard Shore - Farewell To Lórien
60. Dream Theater - Drum Solo
61. Nobody One - The Fluke
62. Nocturnal Symphony - The Midnight Sun
63. Helloween - Where The Rain Grows
64. The String Quartet - Nobody Home
66. Stary Olsa - U vojsku
67. Corelia - The Sound of Glaciers Moving
68. Howard Shore - A Storm Is Coming
69. Dream Theater - Guitar Player Spotlight
70. Nobody One - The Days Of Yore
71. Helloween - Why
72. The String Quartet - Comfortably Numb
73. Сирота Евгений - Secret Of Your Eyes
74. Stary Olsa - Branl pracky
75. Vargoroth -intro ansuzgardaraiwo
76. Fever - Nar Himmelen Klarnen
77. Zergeyth - tomhet
78. Manuscript - balferd baldrs
79. Grafzerk - dunkelheit
80. Krigstommer - Lost Wisdom
81. Krystal - balferd baldrs
82. Pagan Hellfire - frijos_einsames_trauern
83. Burzum - Funeral_forest gebrechligkeit_ii
84. Eton Nir - Umaril The Unfeathered
85. Bathory - Outro
86. Helloween - Oriental Journey
87. Сергей Маврин - Children of ...
02. Howard Shore - Breath Of Life
03. Jelonek - Quiet Passing
04. The String Quartet - In The Flesh
05. Dream Theater - After Life
06. Nobody One - Bring It On
07. Nocturnal Symphony - Cellar Dweller
08. Helloween - Walls Of Jericho
09. Corelia - Treetops
10. The String Quartet - Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
11. Сирота Евгений - My Rage
12. Стары Ольса - Брама
13. Howard Shore - The Hornburg
14. Corelia - Glass Faces
15. Dream Theater - The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun
16. Nobody One - Chasing The Beyond
17. Nocturnal Symphony - Boomstick
18. Helloween - Ride The Sky
19. The String Quartet - Mother
20. Сирота Евгений - The 21st Century City
21. Стары Ольса - Шлях
22. Corelia - The Sound of Glaciers Moving
23. Howard Shore - Forth Eorlingas
24. Dream Theater - The Ytsejam
25. Nobody One - Edgie The Wall Eater
26. Nocturnal Symphony - Control Your Demons
27. Helloween - Future World
28. The String Quartet - Goodbye Blue Sky
29. Helloween - Moshi Moshi - Shiki No Uta
30. Stary Olsa - Pryvitalny
31. Corelia - Aviation
32. Howard Shore - Isengard Unleashed
33. Dream Theater - Cry For Freedom
34. Nobody One - Home
35. Nocturnal Symphony - Trioxin Theme (Return of the Living Dead Theme)
36. Helloween - Irritation
37. The String Quartet - Young Lust
38. Сирота Евгений - Anywhere In Space
39. Stary Olsa - Totentanz
40. Corelia - Red Sky Harbor
41. Howard Shore - Samwise The Brave
42. Dream Theater - The Killing Hand
43. Nobody One - Trapper
44. Nocturnal Symphony - Darkness Falls
45. Helloween - Sole Survivor
46. The String Quartet - One of My Turns
47. Сирота Евгений - Hero Of My Life
48. Stary Olsa - Dvorny
49. Corelia - Mute Swan
50. Howard Shore - Gollum's Song
51. Dream Theater - Resurrection Of Ernie
52. Nobody One - Rumble
53. Nocturnal Symphony - Something in the Dark
54. Helloween - First Time
55. The String Quartet - Hey You
56. Сирота Евгений - 19 Years
57. Stary Olsa - Favaryt
58. Corelia - Blood Petals
59. Howard Shore - Farewell To Lórien
60. Dream Theater - Drum Solo
61. Nobody One - The Fluke
62. Nocturnal Symphony - The Midnight Sun
63. Helloween - Where The Rain Grows
64. The String Quartet - Nobody Home
66. Stary Olsa - U vojsku
67. Corelia - The Sound of Glaciers Moving
68. Howard Shore - A Storm Is Coming
69. Dream Theater - Guitar Player Spotlight
70. Nobody One - The Days Of Yore
71. Helloween - Why
72. The String Quartet - Comfortably Numb
73. Сирота Евгений - Secret Of Your Eyes
74. Stary Olsa - Branl pracky
75. Vargoroth -intro ansuzgardaraiwo
76. Fever - Nar Himmelen Klarnen
77. Zergeyth - tomhet
78. Manuscript - balferd baldrs
79. Grafzerk - dunkelheit
80. Krigstommer - Lost Wisdom
81. Krystal - balferd baldrs
82. Pagan Hellfire - frijos_einsames_trauern
83. Burzum - Funeral_forest gebrechligkeit_ii
84. Eton Nir - Umaril The Unfeathered
85. Bathory - Outro
86. Helloween - Oriental Journey
87. Сергей Маврин - Children of ...
Views: 3944
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16 November 13, 23:50
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.38
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.38
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
01. Jelonek - Mad Toad
02. LodeStar Dynasty - Once
03. Steam Engine - Negative Rainbow
04. Sympuls-E - Иллюзия Света
05. The String Quartet - Oracle- The Dream
06. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Whole Earth Tascam
07. Trinity Avenue - Motions
08. Денис Андрианов - Стоп!
09. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет-Гальярда
10. Dream Theater - Vacant
11. Journal - Village Of The Elders
12. David T. Chastain - Spontaneous Combustions
13. Helloween - I Can
14. Howard Shorfe - The King Of The Golden Hall
15. It Dwells Within - Rules Of Conformity
16. Jelonek - Magic Night in the Slaughterhouse
17. LodeStar Dynasty - Element Of Treachery
18. Sympuls-E - Люди, Которые Видели Солнце
19. The String Quartet - Soliloquy
20. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue I
21. Денис Андрианов - Doomed
22. Стары Ольса - Выправа
23. Dream Theater - Stream Of Consciousness
24. Journal - Blight Reflections
25. David T. Chastain - It Doesn't Have To Be
26. Helloween - Grapowski Malmsuite
27. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Is Closed
28. It Dwells Within - We Won't Go Silently
29. Jelonek - Romantic Revenge
30. LodeStar Dynasty - Nomad
31. Sympuls-E - Последний Шанс
32. The String Quartet - Grand Finale
33. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue II
34. Денис Андрианов - Когда я умру (Мастер Cover)
35. Стары Ольса - A que por
36. Jounral - Unlorja (Instrumental)
37. David T. Chastain - Project 107 Code 3X
38. Howard Shore - Evenstar
39. It Dwells Within - All Difficulties
40. Jelonek - Sabre Dance [A.Khachaturian]
41. LodeStar Dynasty - Tears & Mistakes
42. Sympuls-E - Спираль Времени
43. The String Quartet - A Passage To Bangkok
44. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Racist Drone
45. Денис Андрианов - Себя закапываю я
46. Стары Ольса - Танцы
47. Journal - Illuminance
48. David T. Chastain - The Oracle Within
49. Howard Shore - The White Rider
50. It Dwels Within - Tools Of Insight
51. Jelonek - Old Sorrow
52. LodeStar Dynasty - Navigation
53. Sympuls-E - Кристальный Дождь
54. The String Quartet - The Twilight Zone
55. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Grey Geisha
56. Journal - Festooned With Snakes
57. Howard Shore - Treebeard
58. It Dwells Within - Violent By Necessity
59. Jelonek - SchizoFerret
60. LodeStar Dynasty -Transient
61. Sympuls-E - Наш Пульс
62. The String Quartet - Lessons
63. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Instrumental Tourist
64. Стары Ольса - Руевiт
65. Journal - A Remarkable Abomination
66. Howard Shore - The Leave Taking
67. It Dwells Within - Ride
68. Jelonek - Harmattan
69. LodeStar Dynasty - Dream Again
70. The String Quartet - Tears
71. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Ritual For Consumption
72. Стары Ольса - Праклён
73. Journal - Affinity
74. Howard Shore - Helm's Deep
75. Jelonek - Cementary Woodpeacker - Promised Kadish
76. LodeStar Dynasty - Under The Sun
77. The String Quartet - Something For Nothing
78. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Vaccination No.2
79. Стары Ольса - Конский бранль
80. Howard Shore - The Forbidden Pool
81. Jelonek - Lord Mantis Dilemma
82. Howard Shore - Georges & Hugo
83. Стары Ольса - Пiр
84. Burzum - Han Som Reise
85. Burzum - herrenvolk daudi baldrs
86. Helloween - Les Hambourgeois Walkways
87. Сергей Маврин - Ветер странствий
02. LodeStar Dynasty - Once
03. Steam Engine - Negative Rainbow
04. Sympuls-E - Иллюзия Света
05. The String Quartet - Oracle- The Dream
06. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Whole Earth Tascam
07. Trinity Avenue - Motions
08. Денис Андрианов - Стоп!
09. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет-Гальярда
10. Dream Theater - Vacant
11. Journal - Village Of The Elders
12. David T. Chastain - Spontaneous Combustions
13. Helloween - I Can
14. Howard Shorfe - The King Of The Golden Hall
15. It Dwells Within - Rules Of Conformity
16. Jelonek - Magic Night in the Slaughterhouse
17. LodeStar Dynasty - Element Of Treachery
18. Sympuls-E - Люди, Которые Видели Солнце
19. The String Quartet - Soliloquy
20. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue I
21. Денис Андрианов - Doomed
22. Стары Ольса - Выправа
23. Dream Theater - Stream Of Consciousness
24. Journal - Blight Reflections
25. David T. Chastain - It Doesn't Have To Be
26. Helloween - Grapowski Malmsuite
27. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Is Closed
28. It Dwells Within - We Won't Go Silently
29. Jelonek - Romantic Revenge
30. LodeStar Dynasty - Nomad
31. Sympuls-E - Последний Шанс
32. The String Quartet - Grand Finale
33. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue II
34. Денис Андрианов - Когда я умру (Мастер Cover)
35. Стары Ольса - A que por
36. Jounral - Unlorja (Instrumental)
37. David T. Chastain - Project 107 Code 3X
38. Howard Shore - Evenstar
39. It Dwells Within - All Difficulties
40. Jelonek - Sabre Dance [A.Khachaturian]
41. LodeStar Dynasty - Tears & Mistakes
42. Sympuls-E - Спираль Времени
43. The String Quartet - A Passage To Bangkok
44. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Racist Drone
45. Денис Андрианов - Себя закапываю я
46. Стары Ольса - Танцы
47. Journal - Illuminance
48. David T. Chastain - The Oracle Within
49. Howard Shore - The White Rider
50. It Dwels Within - Tools Of Insight
51. Jelonek - Old Sorrow
52. LodeStar Dynasty - Navigation
53. Sympuls-E - Кристальный Дождь
54. The String Quartet - The Twilight Zone
55. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Grey Geisha
56. Journal - Festooned With Snakes
57. Howard Shore - Treebeard
58. It Dwells Within - Violent By Necessity
59. Jelonek - SchizoFerret
60. LodeStar Dynasty -Transient
61. Sympuls-E - Наш Пульс
62. The String Quartet - Lessons
63. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Instrumental Tourist
64. Стары Ольса - Руевiт
65. Journal - A Remarkable Abomination
66. Howard Shore - The Leave Taking
67. It Dwells Within - Ride
68. Jelonek - Harmattan
69. LodeStar Dynasty - Dream Again
70. The String Quartet - Tears
71. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Ritual For Consumption
72. Стары Ольса - Праклён
73. Journal - Affinity
74. Howard Shore - Helm's Deep
75. Jelonek - Cementary Woodpeacker - Promised Kadish
76. LodeStar Dynasty - Under The Sun
77. The String Quartet - Something For Nothing
78. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Vaccination No.2
79. Стары Ольса - Конский бранль
80. Howard Shore - The Forbidden Pool
81. Jelonek - Lord Mantis Dilemma
82. Howard Shore - Georges & Hugo
83. Стары Ольса - Пiр
84. Burzum - Han Som Reise
85. Burzum - herrenvolk daudi baldrs
86. Helloween - Les Hambourgeois Walkways
87. Сергей Маврин - Ветер странствий
Views: 3652
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16 November 13, 23:45
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.36
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Medieval Folk Rock
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.36
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Symphonic Metal, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Medieval Folk Rock
01. Howardshore - The Prophecy
02. Jelonek - Beech Forest
03. Scott_d_davis - two_minutes_to_midnight
04. The String Quartet - Becoming
05. Стары Ольса - Заклятие
06. Howard Shore - Concerning Hobbits
07. Jelonek - B.East
08. Scott_d_davis - wasted_years
09. The String Quartet - Cemetery Gates
10. Стары Ольса - Баллада
11. Howardshore - The Shadow Of The Past
12. Jelonek - Kraina Umarlych
13. Scott_d_davis - can_i_play_with_madness
14. The String Quartet- Cowboys From Hell
15. Стары Ольса - Ладья
16. Howard Shore - The Treason Of Isengard
17. Jelonek - A Funeral of a Provincial Vampire
18. Scott_d_davis - the_trooper
19. The String Quartet - Hollow
20. Стары Ольса - Пiр
21. Howardshore - The Black Rider
22. Jelonek - Mosquito Flight
23. Scott_d_davis - brave_new_world
24. The String Quartet - Domination
25. Стары Ольса - Трызна
26. Howardshore - At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
27. Jelonek - Akka
28. Scott_d_davis - run_to_the_hills
29. The String Quartet - A New Level
30. Стары Ольса - Танцы
31. Howardshore - A Knife In The Dark
32. Jelonek - Voodoo Child
33. Scott_d_davis - caught_somewhere_in_time
34. The String Quartet - I'm Broken
35. Стары Ольса - Поуня
36. Howard Shore - Flight To The Ford
37. Jelonek - Vendome 1212
38. Scott_d_davis - aces_high
39. The String Quartet - Primal Concrete Sledge
40. Стары Ольса - Iмжа (Моросящий Дождь)
41. Howard Shore - Many Meetings
42. Jelonek - 24
43. Scott_d_davis - hallowed_be_thy_name
44. The String Quartet - Walk
45. Стары Ольса - Поход
46. Howard Shore - The Council Of Elrond
47. Jelonek - Machine Hat
48. Scott_d_davis - flight_of_icarus
49. The String Quartet - War Nerve
50. Стары Ольса - Легенда
51. Howard Shore - The Ring Goes South
52. Cold Womb Descent - Empire of the Remnants
53. Scott_d_davis - number_of_the_beast
54. Howardshore - A Journey In The Dark
54. Стары Ольса - Врата
55. Jelonek - Chopin Pogo
56. Scott_d_davis - eddies_lament_original_composition
57. Стары Ольса - Там За Холмом
58. Howard Shore - The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm
59. Jelonek - Lorr
60. Стары Ольса - Конскi бранль
61. Howard Shore - Lothlórien
62. Jelonek - Elephant's Ballet
63. Стары Ольса - Курган
64. Howard Shore - The Great River
65. Jelonek - Lekka Kawaleria Wilhelma Tella
66. Стары Ольса - Ягелонскi рукапiс. XVI ст.
67. Howard Shore - Amon Hen
68. Dammerfaben - Graues Land
69. Стары Ольса - Танец Баторый. Войцэх Длугарай. 80-я гг. XVI ст
70. Howard Shore - The Breaking Of The Fellowship
71. Jelonek - BaRock
72. Стары Ольса - Паход
73. Howard Shore - May It Be
74. Dammerfaben - Hinaus in die Nacht
75. Стары Ольса - Песня. Войцэх Длугарац. 80-я гг. XVI ст.
76. Jelonek - B.East (bis)
77. Стары Ольса - Анел (латыш. нар. танец)
78. Jelonek - Pozegnalny Marsz - Granica Niemiecka
79. Стары Ольса - Там за халмом
80. Коррозия Металла - Соло В Стиле Нойз
81. Стары Ольса - Выправа (сяредн. танец)
82. Jelonek - BaRock (bis)
83. Стары Ольса - Шлях
84. Jelonek - Akka (bis)
85. Стары Ольса - Бранль (сярэдн. танец)
86. Howard Shore - Into The Clocks
87. Стары Ольса - Руевіт рэм.
88. Howard Shore - Train
89. Стары Ольса - Drygula рэм.
90. Howard Shore - Walking Home
91. Мастер- Восьмая Дверь
92. Мастер - Начало Восьмого
93. Коррозия Металла - Оркестр Почтённого Менге
02. Jelonek - Beech Forest
03. Scott_d_davis - two_minutes_to_midnight
04. The String Quartet - Becoming
05. Стары Ольса - Заклятие
06. Howard Shore - Concerning Hobbits
07. Jelonek - B.East
08. Scott_d_davis - wasted_years
09. The String Quartet - Cemetery Gates
10. Стары Ольса - Баллада
11. Howardshore - The Shadow Of The Past
12. Jelonek - Kraina Umarlych
13. Scott_d_davis - can_i_play_with_madness
14. The String Quartet- Cowboys From Hell
15. Стары Ольса - Ладья
16. Howard Shore - The Treason Of Isengard
17. Jelonek - A Funeral of a Provincial Vampire
18. Scott_d_davis - the_trooper
19. The String Quartet - Hollow
20. Стары Ольса - Пiр
21. Howardshore - The Black Rider
22. Jelonek - Mosquito Flight
23. Scott_d_davis - brave_new_world
24. The String Quartet - Domination
25. Стары Ольса - Трызна
26. Howardshore - At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
27. Jelonek - Akka
28. Scott_d_davis - run_to_the_hills
29. The String Quartet - A New Level
30. Стары Ольса - Танцы
31. Howardshore - A Knife In The Dark
32. Jelonek - Voodoo Child
33. Scott_d_davis - caught_somewhere_in_time
34. The String Quartet - I'm Broken
35. Стары Ольса - Поуня
36. Howard Shore - Flight To The Ford
37. Jelonek - Vendome 1212
38. Scott_d_davis - aces_high
39. The String Quartet - Primal Concrete Sledge
40. Стары Ольса - Iмжа (Моросящий Дождь)
41. Howard Shore - Many Meetings
42. Jelonek - 24
43. Scott_d_davis - hallowed_be_thy_name
44. The String Quartet - Walk
45. Стары Ольса - Поход
46. Howard Shore - The Council Of Elrond
47. Jelonek - Machine Hat
48. Scott_d_davis - flight_of_icarus
49. The String Quartet - War Nerve
50. Стары Ольса - Легенда
51. Howard Shore - The Ring Goes South
52. Cold Womb Descent - Empire of the Remnants
53. Scott_d_davis - number_of_the_beast
54. Howardshore - A Journey In The Dark
54. Стары Ольса - Врата
55. Jelonek - Chopin Pogo
56. Scott_d_davis - eddies_lament_original_composition
57. Стары Ольса - Там За Холмом
58. Howard Shore - The Bridge Of Khazad-Dûm
59. Jelonek - Lorr
60. Стары Ольса - Конскi бранль
61. Howard Shore - Lothlórien
62. Jelonek - Elephant's Ballet
63. Стары Ольса - Курган
64. Howard Shore - The Great River
65. Jelonek - Lekka Kawaleria Wilhelma Tella
66. Стары Ольса - Ягелонскi рукапiс. XVI ст.
67. Howard Shore - Amon Hen
68. Dammerfaben - Graues Land
69. Стары Ольса - Танец Баторый. Войцэх Длугарай. 80-я гг. XVI ст
70. Howard Shore - The Breaking Of The Fellowship
71. Jelonek - BaRock
72. Стары Ольса - Паход
73. Howard Shore - May It Be
74. Dammerfaben - Hinaus in die Nacht
75. Стары Ольса - Песня. Войцэх Длугарац. 80-я гг. XVI ст.
76. Jelonek - B.East (bis)
77. Стары Ольса - Анел (латыш. нар. танец)
78. Jelonek - Pozegnalny Marsz - Granica Niemiecka
79. Стары Ольса - Там за халмом
80. Коррозия Металла - Соло В Стиле Нойз
81. Стары Ольса - Выправа (сяредн. танец)
82. Jelonek - BaRock (bis)
83. Стары Ольса - Шлях
84. Jelonek - Akka (bis)
85. Стары Ольса - Бранль (сярэдн. танец)
86. Howard Shore - Into The Clocks
87. Стары Ольса - Руевіт рэм.
88. Howard Shore - Train
89. Стары Ольса - Drygula рэм.
90. Howard Shore - Walking Home
91. Мастер- Восьмая Дверь
92. Мастер - Начало Восьмого
93. Коррозия Металла - Оркестр Почтённого Менге
Views: 3536
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16 November 13, 23:43
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.35
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Medieval Folk Rock, Folk Metal, Symphonic Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.35
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Neo-Classic, Medieval Folk Rock, Folk Metal, Symphonic Metal
01. Buddha Lounge - The_Four_Horsemen
02. Scott_d_davis - enter_sandman
03. Jelonek - Barock
04. The String Quartet - Bad Medicine
05. Стары Ольса - Анёл
06. Buddha Lounge - For Whom The Bell Tolls
07. Scott_d_davis -until_it_sleeps
08. Jelonek - Beast
09. The String Quartet - Always
10. Стары Ольса - Замова
11. Buddha Lounge - The Thing That Should Not Be
12. Scott_d_davis_ - master_of_puppets
13. Jelonek - Vendome 1212
14. The String Quartet - Bed Of Roses
15. Стары Ольса - Бранль
16. Buddha Lounge - Fade To Black
17. Scott_d_davis - the_unforgiven
18. Jelonek - Akka
19. The String Quartet - Living On A Prayer
20. Стары Ольса - Рэчанька
21. Buddha Lounge - One
22. Scott_d_davis - welcome_home_sanitarium_
23. Jelonek - Steppe
24. The String Quartet - Wanted Dead Or Alive
25. Стары Ольса - Пагоня
26. Buddha Lounge - Enter Sandman
27. Scott_d_davis - nothing_else_matters
28. Jelonek - A Funeral Of A Provincial Vampire
29. The String Quartet - Lay Your Hands On Me
30. Стары Ольса - Trotto
31. Buddha Lounge - The Unforgiven
32. Scott_d_davis - one
33. Jelonek - Lorr
34. The String Quartet - Keep The Faith
35. Cтары Ольса - Вір
36. Buddha Lounge - Nothing Else Matters
37. Scott_d_davis - fade_to_black
38. Jelonek - Beech Forest
39. The String Quartet - Runaway
40. Стары Ольса - Выправа
41. Buddha Lounge - Mama Said
42. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_lament
43. Jelonek - War In The Kids Room
44. The String Quartet - I'll Be There For You
45. Стары Ольса - Codex
46. Buddha Lounge - St.Anger
47. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_i_inner_battle
48. Jelonek - Misere Mei, Deus
49. The String Quartet - It's My Life
50. Стары Ольса - Зімовы лес
51. Jelonek - Mosquito Flight
52. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_i_i_return_to_sanity
53. The String Quartet - Everyday
54. Стары Ольса - Дуда
55. Jelonek - Machinehat
56. The String Quartet - One Of Those Things (Original Composition)
57. Стары Ольса - Акарына
58. Jelonek - Elephant's Ballet
59. Стары Ольса - Гуслі
60. Jelonek - Pizzicato - Asceticism
61. Howard Shore - Main Title
62. The String Quartet - Stone Free
63. Стары Ольса -Свірэль
64. Howard Shore - The Asylum
65. The String Quartet - Purple Haze
66. Cтары Ольса - Падыспань
67. Howard Shore - Clarice
68. The String Quartet - Manic Depression
69. Стары Ольса - Вальс
70. Howard Shore - Return to the Asylum
71. The String Quartet - Third Stone From The Sun
72. Стары Ольса - Танцы
73. Howard Shore - The Abduction
74. The String Quartet - Bold As Love
75. Стары Ольса - Руевіт
76. Howard Shore - Quid Pro Quo
77. The String Quartet - Foxey Lady
78. Стары Ольса - Руевіт (DJ Anton mix)
79. Howard Shore - Lecter in Memphis
80. The String Quartet - Hey Joe
81. Howard Shore - Lambs Screaming
82. The String Quartet - Up From The Skies
83. Howard Shore - Lecter Escapes
84. The String Quartet - Little Wing
85. Howard Shore - Belvedere, Ohio
86. The String Quartet - The Wind Cries Mary
87. Howard Shore - The Moth
88. The String Quartet - Castles Made Of Sand
89. Howard Shore - The Cellar
90. The String Quartet - Blue Sunrise
91. Howard Shore - Finale
92. Dammerfarb - Einsamkeit
93. Howard Shore - Back To The Station
94. Стары Ольса - Totentanz
95. Howard Shore - Hiding
96. Стары Ольса - Bransle les Lavandieres
97. Howard Shore - Arrest
98. Стары Ольса - Taniec
99. Коррозия Металла - Орбита Ада
02. Scott_d_davis - enter_sandman
03. Jelonek - Barock
04. The String Quartet - Bad Medicine
05. Стары Ольса - Анёл
06. Buddha Lounge - For Whom The Bell Tolls
07. Scott_d_davis -until_it_sleeps
08. Jelonek - Beast
09. The String Quartet - Always
10. Стары Ольса - Замова
11. Buddha Lounge - The Thing That Should Not Be
12. Scott_d_davis_ - master_of_puppets
13. Jelonek - Vendome 1212
14. The String Quartet - Bed Of Roses
15. Стары Ольса - Бранль
16. Buddha Lounge - Fade To Black
17. Scott_d_davis - the_unforgiven
18. Jelonek - Akka
19. The String Quartet - Living On A Prayer
20. Стары Ольса - Рэчанька
21. Buddha Lounge - One
22. Scott_d_davis - welcome_home_sanitarium_
23. Jelonek - Steppe
24. The String Quartet - Wanted Dead Or Alive
25. Стары Ольса - Пагоня
26. Buddha Lounge - Enter Sandman
27. Scott_d_davis - nothing_else_matters
28. Jelonek - A Funeral Of A Provincial Vampire
29. The String Quartet - Lay Your Hands On Me
30. Стары Ольса - Trotto
31. Buddha Lounge - The Unforgiven
32. Scott_d_davis - one
33. Jelonek - Lorr
34. The String Quartet - Keep The Faith
35. Cтары Ольса - Вір
36. Buddha Lounge - Nothing Else Matters
37. Scott_d_davis - fade_to_black
38. Jelonek - Beech Forest
39. The String Quartet - Runaway
40. Стары Ольса - Выправа
41. Buddha Lounge - Mama Said
42. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_lament
43. Jelonek - War In The Kids Room
44. The String Quartet - I'll Be There For You
45. Стары Ольса - Codex
46. Buddha Lounge - St.Anger
47. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_i_inner_battle
48. Jelonek - Misere Mei, Deus
49. The String Quartet - It's My Life
50. Стары Ольса - Зімовы лес
51. Jelonek - Mosquito Flight
52. Scott_d_davis - the_renewal_i_i_i_return_to_sanity
53. The String Quartet - Everyday
54. Стары Ольса - Дуда
55. Jelonek - Machinehat
56. The String Quartet - One Of Those Things (Original Composition)
57. Стары Ольса - Акарына
58. Jelonek - Elephant's Ballet
59. Стары Ольса - Гуслі
60. Jelonek - Pizzicato - Asceticism
61. Howard Shore - Main Title
62. The String Quartet - Stone Free
63. Стары Ольса -Свірэль
64. Howard Shore - The Asylum
65. The String Quartet - Purple Haze
66. Cтары Ольса - Падыспань
67. Howard Shore - Clarice
68. The String Quartet - Manic Depression
69. Стары Ольса - Вальс
70. Howard Shore - Return to the Asylum
71. The String Quartet - Third Stone From The Sun
72. Стары Ольса - Танцы
73. Howard Shore - The Abduction
74. The String Quartet - Bold As Love
75. Стары Ольса - Руевіт
76. Howard Shore - Quid Pro Quo
77. The String Quartet - Foxey Lady
78. Стары Ольса - Руевіт (DJ Anton mix)
79. Howard Shore - Lecter in Memphis
80. The String Quartet - Hey Joe
81. Howard Shore - Lambs Screaming
82. The String Quartet - Up From The Skies
83. Howard Shore - Lecter Escapes
84. The String Quartet - Little Wing
85. Howard Shore - Belvedere, Ohio
86. The String Quartet - The Wind Cries Mary
87. Howard Shore - The Moth
88. The String Quartet - Castles Made Of Sand
89. Howard Shore - The Cellar
90. The String Quartet - Blue Sunrise
91. Howard Shore - Finale
92. Dammerfarb - Einsamkeit
93. Howard Shore - Back To The Station
94. Стары Ольса - Totentanz
95. Howard Shore - Hiding
96. Стары Ольса - Bransle les Lavandieres
97. Howard Shore - Arrest
98. Стары Ольса - Taniec
99. Коррозия Металла - Орбита Ада
Views: 3386
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16 November 13, 23:41
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Neo-CLassic, Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Neo-CLassic, Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
01. Burzum - Dominus Sathanas
02. Austere - Coma II
03. The String Quartet - Sabbath bloody sabbath
04. Burzum - Den Onde Kysten
05 .Cold World - Winterreise
06. The String Quartet - Sweet leaf
07. Burzum - Han Som Reiste
08. Zenith Maudlin - Veda II
09. The String Quartet - Iron man
10. Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
11. Hypomanie - Youth Pictures in C Major
12. The String Quartet - Changes
13. Burzum - Svarte Troner
14. Moonlit Wake - Twilight
15. The String Quartet - Electric funeral
16. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
17. Thy Light - Suici.De.pression
18. The String Quartet - Paranoid
19. Burzum - Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
20. Misanthropic Art - Silence of the Past Days
21. The String Quartet - Solitude
22. Burzum - Fra Verdenstreet
23. Lamentations of the Ashen - ...In Dreams Painted Red
24. The String Quartet - Supernaut
25. Burzum - Til Hel Og Tilbake Igjen
26. Kulde - Into The Nightfall
27. The String Quartet - Into the void
28. Burzum - The Coming (Introduction)
29. Funeral Depression - Melancholy
30. The String Quartet - Sacrement (The original song)
31. Burzum - Sassu Wunnu (Introduction)
32. Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
33. The String Quartet - Dazed And Confused
34. Burzum - Call of the Siren (Introduction)
35. Niflheim - Le Neurasthenique
36. The String Quartet - Stairway To Heaven
37. Burzum - Channeling the Power of Minds Into a New God
38. Cold Womb Descent - Aybu Uol Fyh po Ajika Tvi
39. The String Quartet - Going To California
40. Burzum - Blóðstokkinn
41. Svart - Forlorad I
42. The String Quartet - No Quarter
43. Burzum - Surtr Sunnan
44. Lost Inside - Life Lacking Substance
45. The String Quartet - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
46. Burzum - Níðhögg
47. Cry - Sui-side
48. The String Quartet - The Immigrant Song
49. Angelica - Harvest
50. Apostle - Armageddon
51. Becoming the Archetype - Denouement
52. Casting Crowns - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
53. Deliverance - Instrumental
54. Demon Hunter - Metal Instrumental set to Hellgate
55. Eterna - After Shadows
56. Living sacrifice - Into again
57. Narnia - Misty Morning
58. P.O.D. boom
59. Rage Of Angels - Prelude For The Gods
60. Seventh Avenue - Storm I
61. Underoath - Casting Such a Thin Shadow
62. Whitecross - The Hammer and the Nail
63. The String Quartet - The Ocean
64. Apostle - Parting The Red Sea
65. Becoming the Archetype - March of the Dead
66. Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping
67. Demon Hunter - Someone To Hate
68. Narnia - The Return Of Aslan
69. P.O.D. Eternal
70. Seventh Avenue - Storm Li
71. Underoath - Catch Myself Catching Myself
72. Whitecross - The Eternal Fire
73. The String Quartet - Moby Dick
74. Becoming the Archetype - Night's Sorrow
75. Casting Crowns - Who am I
76. Demon Hunter - This Is The Line
77. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
78. P.O.D. Youth of the Nation
79. Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
80. The String Quartet - Carouselambra
81. Becoming the Archetype - Nocturne
82. P.O.D. satellite
83. Underoath - Illuminator
84. The String Quartet - Dancing Days
85. Becoming the Archetype - The Machine Killer
86. Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
87. The String Quartet - Whole Lotta Love
88. Эгрегор Тьмы - Daudi Baldrs
89. The Descent Of The Sun - Det Som En Gang Var
90. Эгрегор Тьмы - Hermodr A Helferd
91. The Descent Of The Sun - Dunkelheit
92. Эгрегор Тьмы - Balferd Baldrs
93. Struluckt - What Once Was
94. Struluckt - Hermodr A Helferd
95. Эгрегор Тьмы - I Heimr Heljar
96. Struluckt - Lost Wisdom
97. Struluckt - Illa Tithandi
98. Эгрегор Тьмы - Illa Tidandi
99. Struluckt - Rundgang Um Die Traszendental
100. Struluckt - Moti Ragarokum
101. Эгрегор Тьмы - Moti Ragnarokum
102. Struluckt - Die Kraft Des Mitgefuhls (The Power Of Empathy)
103. Struluckt - Der Weinende Hadnur
104. Primitivity - Foreclosure Of A Dream
105. Чёрный Кофе - ВозДуха
02. Austere - Coma II
03. The String Quartet - Sabbath bloody sabbath
04. Burzum - Den Onde Kysten
05 .Cold World - Winterreise
06. The String Quartet - Sweet leaf
07. Burzum - Han Som Reiste
08. Zenith Maudlin - Veda II
09. The String Quartet - Iron man
10. Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
11. Hypomanie - Youth Pictures in C Major
12. The String Quartet - Changes
13. Burzum - Svarte Troner
14. Moonlit Wake - Twilight
15. The String Quartet - Electric funeral
16. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
17. Thy Light - Suici.De.pression
18. The String Quartet - Paranoid
19. Burzum - Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
20. Misanthropic Art - Silence of the Past Days
21. The String Quartet - Solitude
22. Burzum - Fra Verdenstreet
23. Lamentations of the Ashen - ...In Dreams Painted Red
24. The String Quartet - Supernaut
25. Burzum - Til Hel Og Tilbake Igjen
26. Kulde - Into The Nightfall
27. The String Quartet - Into the void
28. Burzum - The Coming (Introduction)
29. Funeral Depression - Melancholy
30. The String Quartet - Sacrement (The original song)
31. Burzum - Sassu Wunnu (Introduction)
32. Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
33. The String Quartet - Dazed And Confused
34. Burzum - Call of the Siren (Introduction)
35. Niflheim - Le Neurasthenique
36. The String Quartet - Stairway To Heaven
37. Burzum - Channeling the Power of Minds Into a New God
38. Cold Womb Descent - Aybu Uol Fyh po Ajika Tvi
39. The String Quartet - Going To California
40. Burzum - Blóðstokkinn
41. Svart - Forlorad I
42. The String Quartet - No Quarter
43. Burzum - Surtr Sunnan
44. Lost Inside - Life Lacking Substance
45. The String Quartet - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
46. Burzum - Níðhögg
47. Cry - Sui-side
48. The String Quartet - The Immigrant Song
49. Angelica - Harvest
50. Apostle - Armageddon
51. Becoming the Archetype - Denouement
52. Casting Crowns - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
53. Deliverance - Instrumental
54. Demon Hunter - Metal Instrumental set to Hellgate
55. Eterna - After Shadows
56. Living sacrifice - Into again
57. Narnia - Misty Morning
58. P.O.D. boom
59. Rage Of Angels - Prelude For The Gods
60. Seventh Avenue - Storm I
61. Underoath - Casting Such a Thin Shadow
62. Whitecross - The Hammer and the Nail
63. The String Quartet - The Ocean
64. Apostle - Parting The Red Sea
65. Becoming the Archetype - March of the Dead
66. Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping
67. Demon Hunter - Someone To Hate
68. Narnia - The Return Of Aslan
69. P.O.D. Eternal
70. Seventh Avenue - Storm Li
71. Underoath - Catch Myself Catching Myself
72. Whitecross - The Eternal Fire
73. The String Quartet - Moby Dick
74. Becoming the Archetype - Night's Sorrow
75. Casting Crowns - Who am I
76. Demon Hunter - This Is The Line
77. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
78. P.O.D. Youth of the Nation
79. Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
80. The String Quartet - Carouselambra
81. Becoming the Archetype - Nocturne
82. P.O.D. satellite
83. Underoath - Illuminator
84. The String Quartet - Dancing Days
85. Becoming the Archetype - The Machine Killer
86. Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
87. The String Quartet - Whole Lotta Love
88. Эгрегор Тьмы - Daudi Baldrs
89. The Descent Of The Sun - Det Som En Gang Var
90. Эгрегор Тьмы - Hermodr A Helferd
91. The Descent Of The Sun - Dunkelheit
92. Эгрегор Тьмы - Balferd Baldrs
93. Struluckt - What Once Was
94. Struluckt - Hermodr A Helferd
95. Эгрегор Тьмы - I Heimr Heljar
96. Struluckt - Lost Wisdom
97. Struluckt - Illa Tithandi
98. Эгрегор Тьмы - Illa Tidandi
99. Struluckt - Rundgang Um Die Traszendental
100. Struluckt - Moti Ragarokum
101. Эгрегор Тьмы - Moti Ragnarokum
102. Struluckt - Die Kraft Des Mitgefuhls (The Power Of Empathy)
103. Struluckt - Der Weinende Hadnur
104. Primitivity - Foreclosure Of A Dream
105. Чёрный Кофе - ВозДуха
Views: 3829
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16 November 13, 23:39
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.33
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Ambient, Heavy Metal, Gothic Metal, Viking Metal, Symphonic Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.33
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Black Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Ambient, Heavy Metal, Gothic Metal, Viking Metal, Symphonic Viking Metal
01. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
02. Austere - Just for a Moment
03. Ash Borer - Rest, You Are the Lightning
04. Blut Aus Nord - Instrumental
05. Coldworld - Hate
06. Burzum - Depressive Visions Of The Curs
07. The String Quartet - detroit_rock_city
08. Plastic Tree - Dolly
09. Burzum - Lord Of The Depths
10. Dornenreich - Flügel in Fels
11. The String Quartet - Calling_dr_love
12. Aeternus - Fyrndeheimen
13. Burzum - Spell Of Destuction
14. Gris - Instrumental
15. The String Quartet - strutter
16. Daemmerfarben - Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Hoeststig
17. Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
18. Lantlôs - Bliss
19. Melankoli - Instrumental
20. The String Quartet - beth
21. Daemmerfarben -Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Vinterblekheten oever faeltet
22. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
23. Peste Noire - Hôpital
24. Raventale - Anything Is Void
25. The String Quartet - rock_and_roll_all_night
26. Daemmerfarben - Wandernd
27. Burzum - Spell Of Destruction
28. Skogen - Skymning
29. Watain - Lawless Darkness
30. Burzum - Channelling The Power Of Souls
31. Wedard - Helion
32. The String Quartet - goin_blind
33. Avulsed - Hoax Therapy
34. Burzum - Feeble Screams From Forests Un
35. Austere - This Dreadful Emptiness
36. Dornenreich - Meer
37. Gris - Instrumental v.2.0
38. The String Quartet - love_gun
39. Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart
40. Burzum - My Key To Purgatory
41. Lantlôs - Eribo I Collect The Stars
42. Peste Noire - Prйlude
43. The String Quartet - shout_it_out_loud
44. Axel Rudi Pell - Dreams Of Passion
45. Burzum - Rite Of Cleansure
46. Austere - To Fade with the Dusk
47. Daemmerfarben - Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Loev i hoeststormen
48. The String Quartet - i_was_made_for_loving_you
49. Axel Rudi Pell - Emotional Echoes
50. Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
51. Lantlôs - You Feel Like Memories
52. Peste Noire - Intro instrumental
53. The String Quartet - new_york_groove
54. Axel Rudi Pell - Open Doors
55. Burzum - Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
56. Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes
57. Lantlôs - Intrauterin
58. Axel Rudi Pell - Serenade Of Darkness
59. The String Quartet - Killer Queen
60. Burzum - The Crying Orc
61. Austere - Instrumental
62. Lantlôs - Kalte Tage
63. The String Quartet - Bohemian Rhapsody
64. Axel Rudi Pell - Silent Angel
65. Burzum - Dungeons Of Darkness
66. Lantlôs - White Miasma
67. The String Quartet - We Are the Champions
68. Burden Of Grief - Death End Road
69. Uruk-Hai - Helms Deep
70. The String Quartet - We Will Rock You
71. Howard Shore - Making Movies
72. Uruk-Hai - Precious
73. The String Quartet - Fat Bottomed Girls
74. Burden Of Grief - Fields of salvation
75. Uruk-Hai - Beneath The Moon, Beneath The Sun
76. The String Quartet - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
77. Decrepit Birth - Sea of Memories
78. Saltvind - Fire Over Misty Peaks
79. The String Quartet - Somebody to Love
80. Saltvind - The Land That Sank Below The Waves
81. The String Quartet - Play the Game
82. Saltvind - Dreams Of An Ancient Stone
83. The String Quartet - You're My Best Friend
84. Decrepit Birth - The Enigmatic Form
85. The String Quartet - Another One Bites the Dust
86. Devilish Impressions - Solitude
87. Dethklok - Searching for Dethklok
88. EXHUMATION - Disguised Failure
89. Dethklok - Fun on a Weekend in Cayman Islands
90. EXHUMATION - Instrumental
91. Firewind - Nocturnal Symphony
92. Gates Of Ishtar - Inanna
93. Primitivity - Addicted To Chaos
94. Чёрный Кофе - Электрокода
95. Oskoreien - Mjöllnir
96. Eton Nir - Dawn
97. Oskoreien - Heidenlärm
98. Eton Nir - The Siege Of Sancre Tor
02. Austere - Just for a Moment
03. Ash Borer - Rest, You Are the Lightning
04. Blut Aus Nord - Instrumental
05. Coldworld - Hate
06. Burzum - Depressive Visions Of The Curs
07. The String Quartet - detroit_rock_city
08. Plastic Tree - Dolly
09. Burzum - Lord Of The Depths
10. Dornenreich - Flügel in Fels
11. The String Quartet - Calling_dr_love
12. Aeternus - Fyrndeheimen
13. Burzum - Spell Of Destuction
14. Gris - Instrumental
15. The String Quartet - strutter
16. Daemmerfarben - Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Hoeststig
17. Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
18. Lantlôs - Bliss
19. Melankoli - Instrumental
20. The String Quartet - beth
21. Daemmerfarben -Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Vinterblekheten oever faeltet
22. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
23. Peste Noire - Hôpital
24. Raventale - Anything Is Void
25. The String Quartet - rock_and_roll_all_night
26. Daemmerfarben - Wandernd
27. Burzum - Spell Of Destruction
28. Skogen - Skymning
29. Watain - Lawless Darkness
30. Burzum - Channelling The Power Of Souls
31. Wedard - Helion
32. The String Quartet - goin_blind
33. Avulsed - Hoax Therapy
34. Burzum - Feeble Screams From Forests Un
35. Austere - This Dreadful Emptiness
36. Dornenreich - Meer
37. Gris - Instrumental v.2.0
38. The String Quartet - love_gun
39. Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart
40. Burzum - My Key To Purgatory
41. Lantlôs - Eribo I Collect The Stars
42. Peste Noire - Prйlude
43. The String Quartet - shout_it_out_loud
44. Axel Rudi Pell - Dreams Of Passion
45. Burzum - Rite Of Cleansure
46. Austere - To Fade with the Dusk
47. Daemmerfarben - Herbstpfad Daemmerfarben Loev i hoeststormen
48. The String Quartet - i_was_made_for_loving_you
49. Axel Rudi Pell - Emotional Echoes
50. Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit
51. Lantlôs - You Feel Like Memories
52. Peste Noire - Intro instrumental
53. The String Quartet - new_york_groove
54. Axel Rudi Pell - Open Doors
55. Burzum - Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God
56. Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes
57. Lantlôs - Intrauterin
58. Axel Rudi Pell - Serenade Of Darkness
59. The String Quartet - Killer Queen
60. Burzum - The Crying Orc
61. Austere - Instrumental
62. Lantlôs - Kalte Tage
63. The String Quartet - Bohemian Rhapsody
64. Axel Rudi Pell - Silent Angel
65. Burzum - Dungeons Of Darkness
66. Lantlôs - White Miasma
67. The String Quartet - We Are the Champions
68. Burden Of Grief - Death End Road
69. Uruk-Hai - Helms Deep
70. The String Quartet - We Will Rock You
71. Howard Shore - Making Movies
72. Uruk-Hai - Precious
73. The String Quartet - Fat Bottomed Girls
74. Burden Of Grief - Fields of salvation
75. Uruk-Hai - Beneath The Moon, Beneath The Sun
76. The String Quartet - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
77. Decrepit Birth - Sea of Memories
78. Saltvind - Fire Over Misty Peaks
79. The String Quartet - Somebody to Love
80. Saltvind - The Land That Sank Below The Waves
81. The String Quartet - Play the Game
82. Saltvind - Dreams Of An Ancient Stone
83. The String Quartet - You're My Best Friend
84. Decrepit Birth - The Enigmatic Form
85. The String Quartet - Another One Bites the Dust
86. Devilish Impressions - Solitude
87. Dethklok - Searching for Dethklok
88. EXHUMATION - Disguised Failure
89. Dethklok - Fun on a Weekend in Cayman Islands
90. EXHUMATION - Instrumental
91. Firewind - Nocturnal Symphony
92. Gates Of Ishtar - Inanna
93. Primitivity - Addicted To Chaos
94. Чёрный Кофе - Электрокода
95. Oskoreien - Mjöllnir
96. Eton Nir - Dawn
97. Oskoreien - Heidenlärm
98. Eton Nir - The Siege Of Sancre Tor
Views: 3823
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16 November 13, 23:36
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.32
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental Metal, Glam Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Neo-Classic, Symphonic Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.32
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental Metal, Glam Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Neo-Classic, Symphonic Metal
01. Def Leppard - High 'n' Dry - Switch 625
02. Cynthia Witthoft - Funny or Die
03. Frehley's Comet - funk rock
04. LILLIAN AXE - Sad Day On Planet Earth - Cocoon
05. Mott The Hoople - You Really Got Me
06. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
07. Slade - Beginnings - Genesis
08. The Nymphs - Dondй Djembeh
09. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog
10. Van Halen - Doin' Time
11. The String Quartet - Welcome to the Jungle
12. Vinnie Vincent Invasion - The Meltdown
13. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Telephone Secrets
14. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
15. The Nymphs - Na No Mi Nй
16. The String Quartet - Sweet Child O Mine
17. The Stooges - Ron's Jam
18. Van Halen - Strung Out
19. Metallica - Ain't My Bitch
20. Cynthia Witthoft - Lucifer In Red Clothes
21. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Fortune Hunter
22. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
23. The Nymphs - Nouri Samah
24. The String Quartet - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
25. Van Halen - Jump
26. Metallica - Enter Sandman
27. Cynthia Witthoft - Survivor Sucks
28. Cold Womb Descent - Wandering Through the Fields of Havoc
29. Cold Womb Descent - Teal Aurora Above the Sleeping City
30. Dreadful Shadows - Providence
31. Ikon - So Evil
32. Joy Division - Decades
33. Plastic Tree - Alone again, wonderful world
34. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Feel A Piece
35. Cold Womb Descent - Channeling the New Sources of Energy
36. The Birthday Massacre - Looking Glass
37. The String Quartet - Paradise City
38. Van Halen - Neworld
39. Metallica - Fade To Black
40. Cynthia Witthoft - Polish Aliens
41. The String Quartet - Don't Cry
42. The Nymphs - Umna Sa
43. Van Halen - Primary
44. Ikon - Ive Been
45. Joy Division - Shadowplay
46. Plastic Tree - Ghost
47. Cold Womb Descent - Landscapes of the Future Rising
48. The Birthday Massacre - Nowhere
49. The String Quartet - November Rain
50. Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Grim Sleeper
52. Van Halen - Ain't talking about love
53. The Nymphs - Wakà Zià
54. Cold Womb Descent - Within Alien Ocean Biome
55. Cold Womb Descent - Dark Forests and Unknown Lifeforms
56. Plastic Tree - Dolly
57. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Jipp
58. Cold Womb Descent - Ldaovh Intercepting UVB-76
59. Cynthia Witthoft - Fuck the Pope In the Face
60. Metallica - The Unforgiven
61. Ария - Свобода
62. The String Quartet - Live and Let Die
63. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava
64. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava (Alt)
65. Ikon - Under The Watchful Eye
66. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #1 Lava
67. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava
68. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava (Alt)
69. Joy Division - 24 Hours
70. Plastic Tree - Namae no nai hana
71. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #1 Lava
72. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava
73. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava (Alt)
74. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava
75. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava (Alt)
76. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava
77. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava (Alt)
78. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava
79. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava (Alt)
80. Ария - Я здесь
81. The String Quartet - Mr. Brownstone
82. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #1 Lava
83. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava
84. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava (Alt)
85. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava
86. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava (Alt)
87. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #2 Lava
88. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #3 Lava
89. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #1 Lava
90. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #2 Lava
91. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #3 Lava
92. Morbid Angel - Invocation #1 Lava
93. Morbid Angel - Invocation #2 Lava
94. Cynthia Witthoft - Frida Kahlo Tribute
95. Plastic Tree - Namida drop
96. Ария - Возьми мое сердце
97. The String Quartet - Yesterdays
98. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava
99. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava (Alt)
100. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava
101. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava (Alt)
102. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #2 Lava
103. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava
104. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava (Alt)
105. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava
106. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava (Alt)
107. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava
108. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava (Alt)
109. Morbid Angel - Eyes To See #1 Lava
110. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava
111. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava (Alt)
112. Ария - Ангельская пыль
113. Cynthia Witthoft - Cosmic Signals (Pts.1 & 2)
114. Plastic Tree - Pied Piper
115. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava
116. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava 'Alt'
117. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #1 Lava
118. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava
119. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava 'Alt'
120. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #1 Lava
121. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava
122. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava 'Alt'
123. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava
124. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava 'Alt'
125. Ария - Улица роз
126. The String Quartet - Patience
127. Ария - Герой асфальта
128. Cynthia Witthoft - Pozytywka
129. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava
130. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava 'Alt'
131. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava
132. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava 'Alt'
133. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #1 Lava
134. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava
135. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava 'Alt'
136. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava
137. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava 'Alt'
138. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #2 Lava
139. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #3 Lava
140. Plastic Tree - Sink
141. Ария - Дух войны
142. The String Quartet - 14 Years
143. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #1 Lava
144. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #2 Lava
145. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #3 Lava
146. Morbid Angel - Invocation #1 Lava
147. Morbid Angel - Invocation #2 Lava
148. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava
149. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava 'Alt'
150. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava
151. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava 'Alt'
152. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #2 Lava
153. Plastic Tree - Makka na ito
154. Ария - Твой день
155. Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
156. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava
157. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava 'Alt'
158. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava
159. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava 'Alt'
160. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava
161. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava 'Alt'
162. Morbid Angel - Eyes To See #1 Lava
163. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava
164. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava 'Alt'
165. Apocalyptica - Angel Of Death
166. The String Quartet - Civil War
167. Apocalyptica - Улица Роз
168. Стары Ольса - Шлях
169. Howard Shore - Trip To The Moon
170. Стары Ольса - Witany
171. Howard Shore - Magic
172. Стары Ольса - Drumul Draculi
173. Сергей Маврин - 1995
02. Cynthia Witthoft - Funny or Die
03. Frehley's Comet - funk rock
04. LILLIAN AXE - Sad Day On Planet Earth - Cocoon
05. Mott The Hoople - You Really Got Me
06. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
07. Slade - Beginnings - Genesis
08. The Nymphs - Dondй Djembeh
09. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog
10. Van Halen - Doin' Time
11. The String Quartet - Welcome to the Jungle
12. Vinnie Vincent Invasion - The Meltdown
13. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Telephone Secrets
14. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
15. The Nymphs - Na No Mi Nй
16. The String Quartet - Sweet Child O Mine
17. The Stooges - Ron's Jam
18. Van Halen - Strung Out
19. Metallica - Ain't My Bitch
20. Cynthia Witthoft - Lucifer In Red Clothes
21. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Fortune Hunter
22. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
23. The Nymphs - Nouri Samah
24. The String Quartet - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
25. Van Halen - Jump
26. Metallica - Enter Sandman
27. Cynthia Witthoft - Survivor Sucks
28. Cold Womb Descent - Wandering Through the Fields of Havoc
29. Cold Womb Descent - Teal Aurora Above the Sleeping City
30. Dreadful Shadows - Providence
31. Ikon - So Evil
32. Joy Division - Decades
33. Plastic Tree - Alone again, wonderful world
34. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Feel A Piece
35. Cold Womb Descent - Channeling the New Sources of Energy
36. The Birthday Massacre - Looking Glass
37. The String Quartet - Paradise City
38. Van Halen - Neworld
39. Metallica - Fade To Black
40. Cynthia Witthoft - Polish Aliens
41. The String Quartet - Don't Cry
42. The Nymphs - Umna Sa
43. Van Halen - Primary
44. Ikon - Ive Been
45. Joy Division - Shadowplay
46. Plastic Tree - Ghost
47. Cold Womb Descent - Landscapes of the Future Rising
48. The Birthday Massacre - Nowhere
49. The String Quartet - November Rain
50. Metallica - Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Grim Sleeper
52. Van Halen - Ain't talking about love
53. The Nymphs - Wakà Zià
54. Cold Womb Descent - Within Alien Ocean Biome
55. Cold Womb Descent - Dark Forests and Unknown Lifeforms
56. Plastic Tree - Dolly
57. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Jipp
58. Cold Womb Descent - Ldaovh Intercepting UVB-76
59. Cynthia Witthoft - Fuck the Pope In the Face
60. Metallica - The Unforgiven
61. Ария - Свобода
62. The String Quartet - Live and Let Die
63. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava
64. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava (Alt)
65. Ikon - Under The Watchful Eye
66. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #1 Lava
67. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava
68. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava (Alt)
69. Joy Division - 24 Hours
70. Plastic Tree - Namae no nai hana
71. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #1 Lava
72. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava
73. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava (Alt)
74. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava
75. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava (Alt)
76. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava
77. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava (Alt)
78. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava
79. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava (Alt)
80. Ария - Я здесь
81. The String Quartet - Mr. Brownstone
82. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #1 Lava
83. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava
84. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava (Alt)
85. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava
86. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava (Alt)
87. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #2 Lava
88. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #3 Lava
89. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #1 Lava
90. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #2 Lava
91. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #3 Lava
92. Morbid Angel - Invocation #1 Lava
93. Morbid Angel - Invocation #2 Lava
94. Cynthia Witthoft - Frida Kahlo Tribute
95. Plastic Tree - Namida drop
96. Ария - Возьми мое сердце
97. The String Quartet - Yesterdays
98. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava
99. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava (Alt)
100. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava
101. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava (Alt)
102. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #2 Lava
103. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava
104. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava (Alt)
105. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava
106. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava (Alt)
107. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava
108. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava (Alt)
109. Morbid Angel - Eyes To See #1 Lava
110. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava
111. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava (Alt)
112. Ария - Ангельская пыль
113. Cynthia Witthoft - Cosmic Signals (Pts.1 & 2)
114. Plastic Tree - Pied Piper
115. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava
116. Morbid Angel - Heaving Earth Lava 'Alt'
117. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #1 Lava
118. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava
119. Morbid Angel - Prayer Of Hatred #2 Lava 'Alt'
120. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #1 Lava
121. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava
122. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava 'Alt'
123. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava
124. Morbid Angel - Nothing Is Not Lava 'Alt'
125. Ария - Улица роз
126. The String Quartet - Patience
127. Ария - Герой асфальта
128. Cynthia Witthoft - Pozytywka
129. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava
130. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #1 Lava 'Alt'
131. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava
132. Morbid Angel - Chambers Of Dis #2 Lava 'Alt'
133. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #1 Lava
134. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava
135. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #2 Lava 'Alt'
136. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava
137. Morbid Angel - Umulamahri #3 Lava 'Alt'
138. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #2 Lava
139. Morbid Angel - Hellspawn #3 Lava
140. Plastic Tree - Sink
141. Ария - Дух войны
142. The String Quartet - 14 Years
143. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #1 Lava
144. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #2 Lava
145. Morbid Angel - Covenant Of Death #3 Lava
146. Morbid Angel - Invocation #1 Lava
147. Morbid Angel - Invocation #2 Lava
148. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava
149. Morbid Angel - Dominate Lava 'Alt'
150. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava
151. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #1 Lava 'Alt'
152. Morbid Angel - Dawn Of The Angry #2 Lava
153. Plastic Tree - Makka na ito
154. Ария - Твой день
155. Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name
156. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava
157. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #1 Lava 'Alt'
158. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava
159. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #2 Lava 'Alt'
160. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava
161. Morbid Angel - Burn With Me #3 Lava 'Alt'
162. Morbid Angel - Eyes To See #1 Lava
163. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava
164. Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Live Lava 'Alt'
165. Apocalyptica - Angel Of Death
166. The String Quartet - Civil War
167. Apocalyptica - Улица Роз
168. Стары Ольса - Шлях
169. Howard Shore - Trip To The Moon
170. Стары Ольса - Witany
171. Howard Shore - Magic
172. Стары Ольса - Drumul Draculi
173. Сергей Маврин - 1995
Views: 4041
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16 November 13, 23:33
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.31
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Glam Rock, Glam Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Neo-Classic, Gothic Rock, Gothic Metal, Neo-Classic, Atmospheric Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Medieval Folk Rock
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.31
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Glam Rock, Glam Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Neo-Classic, Gothic Rock, Gothic Metal, Neo-Classic, Atmospheric Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Medieval Folk Rock
01. Babylon A.D. - Of the Rose
02. Cynthia Witthoft - Ronnie James Dio Is Dead
03. Def Leppard - Disintegrate
04. The String Quartet- Lullaby
05. Кирилл Покровский - Forest of the Doomed
06. Within Temptation - Fire And Ice
07. Biohazard - Season The Sky
08. Body Count - C Note
09. Wehrmacht - Fretboard Gymnastics
10. Hellbastard - A Minor Point
11. Body Count - D Rors
12. The String Quartet - Pictures of You
13. Кирилл Покровский - Divine Presence
14. Cold Womb Descent - Visions Of Dust Covered Empire
15. Cold Womb Descent - Colony Of The Remnants
16. Antimatter - Saviour
17. Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper
18. The String Quartet - Boys Don't Cry
19. Кирилл Покровский - Magic Touch
20. Within Temptation - The Cross
21. Dreadful Shadows - Crusade
22. Ikon - Under The Watchful Eye
23. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
24. Plastic Tree - Joumyaku
25. The String Quartet- Lovesong
26. Кирилл Покровский - Wine And Blood
27. Within Temptation - The Heart Of Everything
28. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Sayonara
29. She Wants Revenge - Written In Blood
30. The Birthday Massacre - Blue
31. Tones on Tail - Instrumental
32. The String Quartet - Lovecats
33. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
34. Кирилл Покровский - Lullibies For Your Inner Dragon
35. Frehley's Comet - Fractured III
36. Hanoi Rocks - Suberian Theme
37. Kik Tracee - Fade Dunaway
38. Kingdom Come - Twilight Cruiser
39. Kittie - Brackish
40. Krokus - Instrumental
41. L.A. Guns - Instrumental
42. Lillian Axe - Deep Red Shadows
43. Mott The Hoople - Find Your Way
44. Mr.Big - Wild World
45. Quiet Riot - Lunar Obsession
46. Shotgun Messiah - The Explorer
47. Skid Row - I remember you
48. Slade - You Boyz Make Big Noize
49. The Nymphs - Adjah Bihèm- Language of the Nymphs
50. The Stooges - Gimme Some Skin
51. Van Halen - Baluchitherium
52. Vinnie Vincent Invasion - I'm Pretty Shot
53. W.A.S.P. - Euphoria
54. White Lion - She's Got Everything
55. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Believe It
56. Cynthia Witthoft - Wild Crazy Lesbians (Pt.1)
57. The String Quartet - Bloodflowers
58. Vinterriket--Am brennenden nцrdlichen Firmament
59. Uruk-Hai--Der Schrei des Blutes
60. Cold Womb Descent - Outro_ Space Journal Entry
61. Кирилл Покровский - Мания Величия
62. Cynthia Witthoft - God Push Me to Suicide
63. The String Quartet - Maybe Someday
64. Vinterriket--Stumme Winternacht
65. Uruk-Hai--Stahlzeit
66. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
67. Кирилл Покровский - Лунная Соната
68. Cynthia Witthoft - The Mortal Fishzilla
69. The String Quartet - Just Like Heaven
70. Vinterriket--Monde ewiger Verdammnis
71. Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath The Rose
72. Кирилл Покровский - Dimentsional Doorways
73. Cynthia Witthoft - Mechanical Horse
74. The String Quartet - Zazen String
75. Vinterriket--Vom Echo der Melancholie
76. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
77. Кирилл Покровский - Dark Wizard
78. Cynthia Witthoft - Wild Crazy Lesbians (Pt.2)
79. The String Quartet - Hot Hot Hot
80. Within Temptation - Utopia
81. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
82. Burzum - Spell Of Destruction
83. Vinterriket--Der Tod Wuotans (Burzum)
84. Uruk-Hai--Hermodr a Helferd (Burzum)
85. Burzum - Channeling Tthe Power Of Souls Into A New God
86. Стары Ольса - Drumul Draculi
87. Howard Shore - Becoming The Automaton
88. Стары Ольса - Saltarello
89. Howard Shore - Uncle Claude
90. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет
91. Primitivity - Skin O' My Teeth
92. Howard Shore - A Great Artist
93. Primitivity - Symphony Of Destruction
94. Primitivity - Architecture Of Aggression
95. Metallica- The call of the ktulu
02. Cynthia Witthoft - Ronnie James Dio Is Dead
03. Def Leppard - Disintegrate
04. The String Quartet- Lullaby
05. Кирилл Покровский - Forest of the Doomed
06. Within Temptation - Fire And Ice
07. Biohazard - Season The Sky
08. Body Count - C Note
09. Wehrmacht - Fretboard Gymnastics
10. Hellbastard - A Minor Point
11. Body Count - D Rors
12. The String Quartet - Pictures of You
13. Кирилл Покровский - Divine Presence
14. Cold Womb Descent - Visions Of Dust Covered Empire
15. Cold Womb Descent - Colony Of The Remnants
16. Antimatter - Saviour
17. Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper
18. The String Quartet - Boys Don't Cry
19. Кирилл Покровский - Magic Touch
20. Within Temptation - The Cross
21. Dreadful Shadows - Crusade
22. Ikon - Under The Watchful Eye
23. Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
24. Plastic Tree - Joumyaku
25. The String Quartet- Lovesong
26. Кирилл Покровский - Wine And Blood
27. Within Temptation - The Heart Of Everything
28. Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - Sayonara
29. She Wants Revenge - Written In Blood
30. The Birthday Massacre - Blue
31. Tones on Tail - Instrumental
32. The String Quartet - Lovecats
33. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
34. Кирилл Покровский - Lullibies For Your Inner Dragon
35. Frehley's Comet - Fractured III
36. Hanoi Rocks - Suberian Theme
37. Kik Tracee - Fade Dunaway
38. Kingdom Come - Twilight Cruiser
39. Kittie - Brackish
40. Krokus - Instrumental
41. L.A. Guns - Instrumental
42. Lillian Axe - Deep Red Shadows
43. Mott The Hoople - Find Your Way
44. Mr.Big - Wild World
45. Quiet Riot - Lunar Obsession
46. Shotgun Messiah - The Explorer
47. Skid Row - I remember you
48. Slade - You Boyz Make Big Noize
49. The Nymphs - Adjah Bihèm- Language of the Nymphs
50. The Stooges - Gimme Some Skin
51. Van Halen - Baluchitherium
52. Vinnie Vincent Invasion - I'm Pretty Shot
53. W.A.S.P. - Euphoria
54. White Lion - She's Got Everything
55. XYZ (eX Yes Zeppelin) - Believe It
56. Cynthia Witthoft - Wild Crazy Lesbians (Pt.1)
57. The String Quartet - Bloodflowers
58. Vinterriket--Am brennenden nцrdlichen Firmament
59. Uruk-Hai--Der Schrei des Blutes
60. Cold Womb Descent - Outro_ Space Journal Entry
61. Кирилл Покровский - Мания Величия
62. Cynthia Witthoft - God Push Me to Suicide
63. The String Quartet - Maybe Someday
64. Vinterriket--Stumme Winternacht
65. Uruk-Hai--Stahlzeit
66. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
67. Кирилл Покровский - Лунная Соната
68. Cynthia Witthoft - The Mortal Fishzilla
69. The String Quartet - Just Like Heaven
70. Vinterriket--Monde ewiger Verdammnis
71. Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath The Rose
72. Кирилл Покровский - Dimentsional Doorways
73. Cynthia Witthoft - Mechanical Horse
74. The String Quartet - Zazen String
75. Vinterriket--Vom Echo der Melancholie
76. Within Temptation - What Have You Done
77. Кирилл Покровский - Dark Wizard
78. Cynthia Witthoft - Wild Crazy Lesbians (Pt.2)
79. The String Quartet - Hot Hot Hot
80. Within Temptation - Utopia
81. Burzum - Lost Wisdom
82. Burzum - Spell Of Destruction
83. Vinterriket--Der Tod Wuotans (Burzum)
84. Uruk-Hai--Hermodr a Helferd (Burzum)
85. Burzum - Channeling Tthe Power Of Souls Into A New God
86. Стары Ольса - Drumul Draculi
87. Howard Shore - Becoming The Automaton
88. Стары Ольса - Saltarello
89. Howard Shore - Uncle Claude
90. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет
91. Primitivity - Skin O' My Teeth
92. Howard Shore - A Great Artist
93. Primitivity - Symphony Of Destruction
94. Primitivity - Architecture Of Aggression
95. Metallica- The call of the ktulu
Views: 3897
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16 November 13, 23:30
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.30
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Doom Metal, Death Metal, Gothic Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Pagan Metal, Neo-Classic, Atmospheric Black Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.30
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Doom Metal, Death Metal, Gothic Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Pagan Metal, Neo-Classic, Atmospheric Black Metal
01. Ankhagram - На Заре
02. Apocalyptica-Betrayal
03. Cynthia Witthoft - Robot black metal
04. Eluveitie - Hope
05. Evereve - Valse Bizarre
06. Flёur - Instrumental
07. Inferno - Мальмстрин
08. Infestum - Instrumental
09. Libera - Sing for Ever
10. Mägo de Oz - Runa Llena
11. Melechesh - The Arrival Ritual
12. Moonspell - Perverse... Almost Religious
13. Nokturnal Mortum - Lastivka
14. Cold Womb Descent - Plutonium Mine Shipyard Launch
15. Within Temptation - Shot in the dark
16. Samsas Traum - Die Dame Der Kalte
17. Sopor Aeternus amp The Ensemble of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
18. The String Quartet - Mandatory suicide
19. Cynthia Witthoft - The daughter of Cassiopeia
20. Apocalyptica - S.O.S
21. Uruk-Hai - Blood Of Heroes
22. Within Temptation - Intro
23. Кирилл Покровский - The Four Seasons Singing
24. Artrosis - Venera
25. Cynthia Witthoft - Castor and Pollux
26. Eluveitie - Isara
27. Inferno - Моя мелодия
28. Mägo de Oz - Se acabo
29. Melechesh - The Epigenesis
30. Moonspell - Sons of Earth
31. Nokturnal Mortum - the unnothingless from beyond
32. Cold Womb Descent - Beholding The Eclipse Of Nebulae
33. Within Temptation - Somewhere
34. Samsas Traum - Dort oben Sterben Tiere
35. The String Quartet - Postmortem
36. Apocalyptica - Burn
37. Forgotten Land - At The Gates Of Internal Sadness
38. Within Temptation - Pale
39. Кирилл Покровский - The Song of the Wind
40. Artrosis - Instrumental
41. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear I
42. Eluveitie - Jêzaig
44. Melechesh - When Halos of Candles Collide
45. Cold Womb Descent - Cemetery Where Lost Neutrons Dwell
46. Within Temptation - See Who I Am
47. The String Quartet - Die by the sword
48. Forgotten Land - TA 2911 Fell Winter
49. Within Temptation - Say my name
50. Кирилл Покровский - Time Gate
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear II
52. Eluveitie - The Otherworld Set
53. Cold Womb Descent - Another Lifeforms Civilisation Rising
54. The String Quartet - South of heaven
55. Forgotten Land - The Silent Tombe
56. Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
57. Кирилл Покровский - War and Peace
58. Eluveitie - Memento
59. Eluveitie - Helvetios
60. The String Quartet - War ensemble
61. Uruk-Hai - Mount-Doom
62. Within Temptation - The Howling
63. Кирилл Покровский - whispers from a council past
64. Eluveitie - Setlon
65. The String Quartet - Mindless death original composition
66. Nak' Kiga - Swit Slowianskiego Slonca
67. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
68. Кирилл Покровский - Мёртвая Земля
69. Eluveitie - Instrumental
70. Vinterriket - Stille I
71. Vinterriket - Stille II
02. Apocalyptica-Betrayal
03. Cynthia Witthoft - Robot black metal
04. Eluveitie - Hope
05. Evereve - Valse Bizarre
06. Flёur - Instrumental
07. Inferno - Мальмстрин
08. Infestum - Instrumental
09. Libera - Sing for Ever
10. Mägo de Oz - Runa Llena
11. Melechesh - The Arrival Ritual
12. Moonspell - Perverse... Almost Religious
13. Nokturnal Mortum - Lastivka
14. Cold Womb Descent - Plutonium Mine Shipyard Launch
15. Within Temptation - Shot in the dark
16. Samsas Traum - Die Dame Der Kalte
17. Sopor Aeternus amp The Ensemble of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
18. The String Quartet - Mandatory suicide
19. Cynthia Witthoft - The daughter of Cassiopeia
20. Apocalyptica - S.O.S
21. Uruk-Hai - Blood Of Heroes
22. Within Temptation - Intro
23. Кирилл Покровский - The Four Seasons Singing
24. Artrosis - Venera
25. Cynthia Witthoft - Castor and Pollux
26. Eluveitie - Isara
27. Inferno - Моя мелодия
28. Mägo de Oz - Se acabo
29. Melechesh - The Epigenesis
30. Moonspell - Sons of Earth
31. Nokturnal Mortum - the unnothingless from beyond
32. Cold Womb Descent - Beholding The Eclipse Of Nebulae
33. Within Temptation - Somewhere
34. Samsas Traum - Dort oben Sterben Tiere
35. The String Quartet - Postmortem
36. Apocalyptica - Burn
37. Forgotten Land - At The Gates Of Internal Sadness
38. Within Temptation - Pale
39. Кирилл Покровский - The Song of the Wind
40. Artrosis - Instrumental
41. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear I
42. Eluveitie - Jêzaig
44. Melechesh - When Halos of Candles Collide
45. Cold Womb Descent - Cemetery Where Lost Neutrons Dwell
46. Within Temptation - See Who I Am
47. The String Quartet - Die by the sword
48. Forgotten Land - TA 2911 Fell Winter
49. Within Temptation - Say my name
50. Кирилл Покровский - Time Gate
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear II
52. Eluveitie - The Otherworld Set
53. Cold Womb Descent - Another Lifeforms Civilisation Rising
54. The String Quartet - South of heaven
55. Forgotten Land - The Silent Tombe
56. Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
57. Кирилл Покровский - War and Peace
58. Eluveitie - Memento
59. Eluveitie - Helvetios
60. The String Quartet - War ensemble
61. Uruk-Hai - Mount-Doom
62. Within Temptation - The Howling
63. Кирилл Покровский - whispers from a council past
64. Eluveitie - Setlon
65. The String Quartet - Mindless death original composition
66. Nak' Kiga - Swit Slowianskiego Slonca
67. Within Temptation - The Swan Song
68. Кирилл Покровский - Мёртвая Земля
69. Eluveitie - Instrumental
70. Vinterriket - Stille I
71. Vinterriket - Stille II
Views: 4022
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16 November 13, 23:27
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.29
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Doom Metal, Death Metal, Gothic Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Symphonic Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Neo-Classic, Viking Metal, Symphonic Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.29
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Doom Metal, Death Metal, Gothic Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Symphonic Metal, Medieval Folk Rock, Neo-Classic, Viking Metal, Symphonic Viking Metal
01. Ankhagram - Shine On Me!
02. Apocalyptica-lies
03. Artrosis - Ukryty Wymiar
04. Cynthia Witthoft - The Carpenter's Level
05. Eluveitie - Giamonios
06. Evereve - The Eclipse Of The Seventh Sun
07. Flowing Tears Withered Flowers - ...And I Drown...
09. Flёur - Сегодня
10. Inferno - Останься со мной
11. Infestum - Oblivium
12. Libera - Sancte
13. Mägo de Oz - La leyenda de la llorona
14. Melechesh - Sacred Geometry
15. Moonspell - Opus Diabolicum
16. Natural Spirit - Окрылённые волей
17. Nokturnal Mortum - Через рiчку, через гай
18. Pianochocolate - Forgotten Love
19. Saint-Preux - Times come to go back home
20. Within Temptation - Sinead
21. Samsas Traum - Im Zeichen des Wurms
22. Sopor Aeternus amp The Ensemble of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
23. The String Quartet - Speak To Me - Breathe
24. Apocalyptica - Worlds Collide
25. Uruk-Hai - Return To The Green Fields
26. Vanessa Mae - Шторм
27. Within Temptation - Lost
28. Yiruma - May Be
29. Cynthia Witthoft - Castor and Pollux
30. Yiruma - Love Hurts
31. Мор - январь
32. Кирилл Покровский - Sleepless Nights
33. Cynthia Witthoft - The Dragon
34. Uruk-Hai - Tulibu Dibu Douchu
35. Within Temptation - Memories
36. The String Quartet - On The Run
37. Кирилл Покровский - Spies of darkness
38. Cynthia Witthoft - Bernice's Lock of Hair
39. Flowing Tears Withered Flowers - The Day You Took My Breath
40. Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Leeches Deception
41. The String Quartet - Time
42. Uruk-Hai - Te Zijn Van In De Bruine Domeinnaam
43. Кирилл Покровский - Stones and Trees
44. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
45. Cynthia Witthoft - The King of Ethiopia
46. The String Quartet - The Great Gig In The Sky
47. Uruk-Hai - Uruk-Hai
48. The String Quartet - Money
49. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
50. Кирилл Покровский - Suffering and Shame
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Sextant
52. Within Temptation - Mother Eath
53. Uruk-Hai - The Unknown
54. The String Quartet - Us & Them
55. Кирилл Покровский - Sword o don juan
56. Cynthia Witthoft - The Daughter of Cassiopeia
57. Within Temptation - Murder
58. Uruk-Hai - Orcish Battle Hymn (Introduction)
59. The String Quartet - Any Colour You Like
60. Кирилл Покровский - Tail Of A Knight
61. Cynthia Witthoft - The Little Fox
62. Within Temptation - Murder
63. Uruk-Hai - March To War
64. The String Quartet - Eclipse
65. Кирилл Покровский - Taverne
66. Cynthia Witthoft - The Bird of Paradise
67. Within Temptation - Our Farewell
68. Uruk-Hai - Death Is Just Another Path...
69. The String Quartet - Expendable youth
70. Кирилл Покровский - taverne
71. Cynthia Witthoft -The Peacock
72. Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour
73. Uruk-Hai - Cirith Ungol
74. The String Quartet - Bloodline
75. Cynthia Witthoft - Robot Black Metal
76. Кирилл Покровский - The Flags of Freedom Fly High
77. The String Quartet - Dead skin mask
78. Within Temptation - Overcome
79. Кирилл Покровский - The Flags of Freedom Fly High
80. The String Quartet - Divine intervention
81. Within Temptation - What have you done
82. Кирилл Покровский - Лес
83. Howard Shore - Dreams
84. Стары Ольса - Taniec
85. Howard Shore - Train Crash
86. Стары Ольса - Witany
87. Oskorien - Odainsvellir
88. Eton Nir - Dusk
89. Oskorien - Oskoreien
02. Apocalyptica-lies
03. Artrosis - Ukryty Wymiar
04. Cynthia Witthoft - The Carpenter's Level
05. Eluveitie - Giamonios
06. Evereve - The Eclipse Of The Seventh Sun
07. Flowing Tears Withered Flowers - ...And I Drown...
09. Flёur - Сегодня
10. Inferno - Останься со мной
11. Infestum - Oblivium
12. Libera - Sancte
13. Mägo de Oz - La leyenda de la llorona
14. Melechesh - Sacred Geometry
15. Moonspell - Opus Diabolicum
16. Natural Spirit - Окрылённые волей
17. Nokturnal Mortum - Через рiчку, через гай
18. Pianochocolate - Forgotten Love
19. Saint-Preux - Times come to go back home
20. Within Temptation - Sinead
21. Samsas Traum - Im Zeichen des Wurms
22. Sopor Aeternus amp The Ensemble of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
23. The String Quartet - Speak To Me - Breathe
24. Apocalyptica - Worlds Collide
25. Uruk-Hai - Return To The Green Fields
26. Vanessa Mae - Шторм
27. Within Temptation - Lost
28. Yiruma - May Be
29. Cynthia Witthoft - Castor and Pollux
30. Yiruma - Love Hurts
31. Мор - январь
32. Кирилл Покровский - Sleepless Nights
33. Cynthia Witthoft - The Dragon
34. Uruk-Hai - Tulibu Dibu Douchu
35. Within Temptation - Memories
36. The String Quartet - On The Run
37. Кирилл Покровский - Spies of darkness
38. Cynthia Witthoft - Bernice's Lock of Hair
39. Flowing Tears Withered Flowers - The Day You Took My Breath
40. Sopor Aeternus And The Ensemble Of Shadows - Leeches Deception
41. The String Quartet - Time
42. Uruk-Hai - Te Zijn Van In De Bruine Domeinnaam
43. Кирилл Покровский - Stones and Trees
44. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
45. Cynthia Witthoft - The King of Ethiopia
46. The String Quartet - The Great Gig In The Sky
47. Uruk-Hai - Uruk-Hai
48. The String Quartet - Money
49. Within Temptation - Mother Earth
50. Кирилл Покровский - Suffering and Shame
51. Cynthia Witthoft - The Sextant
52. Within Temptation - Mother Eath
53. Uruk-Hai - The Unknown
54. The String Quartet - Us & Them
55. Кирилл Покровский - Sword o don juan
56. Cynthia Witthoft - The Daughter of Cassiopeia
57. Within Temptation - Murder
58. Uruk-Hai - Orcish Battle Hymn (Introduction)
59. The String Quartet - Any Colour You Like
60. Кирилл Покровский - Tail Of A Knight
61. Cynthia Witthoft - The Little Fox
62. Within Temptation - Murder
63. Uruk-Hai - March To War
64. The String Quartet - Eclipse
65. Кирилл Покровский - Taverne
66. Cynthia Witthoft - The Bird of Paradise
67. Within Temptation - Our Farewell
68. Uruk-Hai - Death Is Just Another Path...
69. The String Quartet - Expendable youth
70. Кирилл Покровский - taverne
71. Cynthia Witthoft -The Peacock
72. Within Temptation - Our Solemn Hour
73. Uruk-Hai - Cirith Ungol
74. The String Quartet - Bloodline
75. Cynthia Witthoft - Robot Black Metal
76. Кирилл Покровский - The Flags of Freedom Fly High
77. The String Quartet - Dead skin mask
78. Within Temptation - Overcome
79. Кирилл Покровский - The Flags of Freedom Fly High
80. The String Quartet - Divine intervention
81. Within Temptation - What have you done
82. Кирилл Покровский - Лес
83. Howard Shore - Dreams
84. Стары Ольса - Taniec
85. Howard Shore - Train Crash
86. Стары Ольса - Witany
87. Oskorien - Odainsvellir
88. Eton Nir - Dusk
89. Oskorien - Oskoreien
Views: 3715
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16 November 13, 23:23
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.28
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Pagan Metal, Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.28
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Pagan Metal, Viking Metal
01. A Challenge Of Honour - Only Stones Remain
02. Agalloch - Odal
03. AION - Я и ты
04. Ankhagram - For Memories...
05. Apocalyptica - Harmageddon
06. The String Quartet - Wasted Years
07. Artrosis - Szmaragdowa Noc
08. Ashram - Instrumental
09. Autumn Rain Melancholy - Снег
10. Cynthia Witthoft - The Rescuer of Andromeda
11. Dalriada - Mйgegyszer...
12. Eluveitie - Andro
13. Elysion - Golden Star
14. Flowing Tears - White Horses
15. Flёur - Эволюция
16. Globus - Orchard of Mines
17. Inferno - Дыхание
18. Infestum - Tumulus
19. Kroda - Рiдный Край
20. Libera - Sing the Story
21. Lisa Gerrard and Michael Edwards - Love Theme From ICHI
22. Mägo de Oz - Gerdundula
23. Maksim Mrvica - Tango in Ebony
24. Max Richter - Maria, The Poet (1913)
25. Melechesh - Of Magick and Reptilians
26. Moonspell - Mare Nostrum
27. My Dying Bride - Silent Dance
28. Natural Spirit - Звёздный Трон
29. Blood of Kingu - Lair of Night Abzu
30. Nokturnal Mortum - Cheremosh
31. Pianochocolate - Forest
32. Saint-Preux - Times come to back home
33. Blood of Kingu - Black Spectral Wings of Shaman
34. Samsas Traum - Barfuß
35. Skyclad - Sabre Dance
36. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Consider This The True Meaning of Love
37. sToa - Think About Eternity
38. Svartby - Mud Bubbles
39. The String Quartet - Hallowed Be Thy Name
40. Apocalyptica - From Out Of Nowhere
41. Cynthia Witthoft - The Wife of Cepheus
42. Type O Negative - Improvisation
43. Uruk-Hai - the_white_trees_of_minas_ithil
44. Uruk-Hai - enter_mordor
45. Vanessa Mae - Violin
46. Von Thronstahl - Palastina
47. Within Temptation - Hand Of Sorrow
48. Yiruma - Kiss The Rain
49. Велимор - Незримый Край Моей Земли
50. Волот - Лють
51. Кирилл Покровский - Old Rivertown
52. The String Quartet - Powerslave
53. Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman
54. Uruk-Hai - rohan_riders
55. Мор - Чужая Вера
56. Смута - По морю
57. Cynthia Witthoft - The Unicorn
58. Кирилл Покровский - Old Rivertown
59. Apocalyptica -The Unforgiven
60. The String Quartet - Aces High
61. Uruk-Hai - lay_of_leithian
62. Cynthia Witthoft - The Chamaeleon
63. Within Temptation - In The Middle Of The Night
64. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Consider This The True Meaning Of Love
65. Кирилл Покровский - Rain Song
66. Uruk-Hai - into_the_mirror
67. The String Quartet - The Trooper
68. Within Temptation - Frozen
69. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear ( I & II )
70. Кирилл Покровский -Trainer
71. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - In der Palastra
72. Within Temptation - Frozen
73. The String Quartet - Iron Maiden
74. Uruk-Hai -galadriels_message
75. Cynthia Witthoft - The Sails of the Argo
76. Кирилл Покровский - Roads Shaded by Green Eaves
77. Cynthia Witthoft - The Southern Triangle
78. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Hearse - Shaped Basins Of Darkest Matter
79. Blood of Kingu - Vajtarani
80. The String Quartet - Anatomy Of Evil
81. Uruk-Hai - keeper_of_nenya
82. Кирилл Покровский - Run, Zandalor, Run!
83. Cynthia Witthoft - The Microscope
84. Lisa Gerrard and Michael Edwards - The Path Ahead
86. Within Temptation - Iron
87. Uruk-Hai - may_it_be
88. Judas Priest - Beyond The Realms Of Death
89. Cynthia Witthoft - The Horned Goat
90. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Freitod-Phantasien
91. Within Temptation - It's The Fear
92. Cynthia Witthoft - The Winged Horse
93. Кирилл Покровский - Scorching Wind
94. Uruk-Hai -gates_of_summer
95. Cynthia Witthoft - The Dolphin
96. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveler II
97. Within Temptation - Jillian
98. Кирилл Покровский - Sighs of the Elvenkind
99. Cynthia Witthoft - The Techno Scorpion
100. Howard Shore - Tabard Studios
101. Стары Ольса - Niemiec
102. Howard Shore - Wrench Drops
103. Almighty Apostles - Undead From The Hell
104. Ария - Мертвая зона
02. Agalloch - Odal
03. AION - Я и ты
04. Ankhagram - For Memories...
05. Apocalyptica - Harmageddon
06. The String Quartet - Wasted Years
07. Artrosis - Szmaragdowa Noc
08. Ashram - Instrumental
09. Autumn Rain Melancholy - Снег
10. Cynthia Witthoft - The Rescuer of Andromeda
11. Dalriada - Mйgegyszer...
12. Eluveitie - Andro
13. Elysion - Golden Star
14. Flowing Tears - White Horses
15. Flёur - Эволюция
16. Globus - Orchard of Mines
17. Inferno - Дыхание
18. Infestum - Tumulus
19. Kroda - Рiдный Край
20. Libera - Sing the Story
21. Lisa Gerrard and Michael Edwards - Love Theme From ICHI
22. Mägo de Oz - Gerdundula
23. Maksim Mrvica - Tango in Ebony
24. Max Richter - Maria, The Poet (1913)
25. Melechesh - Of Magick and Reptilians
26. Moonspell - Mare Nostrum
27. My Dying Bride - Silent Dance
28. Natural Spirit - Звёздный Трон
29. Blood of Kingu - Lair of Night Abzu
30. Nokturnal Mortum - Cheremosh
31. Pianochocolate - Forest
32. Saint-Preux - Times come to back home
33. Blood of Kingu - Black Spectral Wings of Shaman
34. Samsas Traum - Barfuß
35. Skyclad - Sabre Dance
36. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Consider This The True Meaning of Love
37. sToa - Think About Eternity
38. Svartby - Mud Bubbles
39. The String Quartet - Hallowed Be Thy Name
40. Apocalyptica - From Out Of Nowhere
41. Cynthia Witthoft - The Wife of Cepheus
42. Type O Negative - Improvisation
43. Uruk-Hai - the_white_trees_of_minas_ithil
44. Uruk-Hai - enter_mordor
45. Vanessa Mae - Violin
46. Von Thronstahl - Palastina
47. Within Temptation - Hand Of Sorrow
48. Yiruma - Kiss The Rain
49. Велимор - Незримый Край Моей Земли
50. Волот - Лють
51. Кирилл Покровский - Old Rivertown
52. The String Quartet - Powerslave
53. Apocalyptica - Enter Sandman
54. Uruk-Hai - rohan_riders
55. Мор - Чужая Вера
56. Смута - По морю
57. Cynthia Witthoft - The Unicorn
58. Кирилл Покровский - Old Rivertown
59. Apocalyptica -The Unforgiven
60. The String Quartet - Aces High
61. Uruk-Hai - lay_of_leithian
62. Cynthia Witthoft - The Chamaeleon
63. Within Temptation - In The Middle Of The Night
64. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Consider This The True Meaning Of Love
65. Кирилл Покровский - Rain Song
66. Uruk-Hai - into_the_mirror
67. The String Quartet - The Trooper
68. Within Temptation - Frozen
69. Cynthia Witthoft - The Lesser Bear ( I & II )
70. Кирилл Покровский -Trainer
71. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - In der Palastra
72. Within Temptation - Frozen
73. The String Quartet - Iron Maiden
74. Uruk-Hai -galadriels_message
75. Cynthia Witthoft - The Sails of the Argo
76. Кирилл Покровский - Roads Shaded by Green Eaves
77. Cynthia Witthoft - The Southern Triangle
78. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Hearse - Shaped Basins Of Darkest Matter
79. Blood of Kingu - Vajtarani
80. The String Quartet - Anatomy Of Evil
81. Uruk-Hai - keeper_of_nenya
82. Кирилл Покровский - Run, Zandalor, Run!
83. Cynthia Witthoft - The Microscope
84. Lisa Gerrard and Michael Edwards - The Path Ahead
86. Within Temptation - Iron
87. Uruk-Hai - may_it_be
88. Judas Priest - Beyond The Realms Of Death
89. Cynthia Witthoft - The Horned Goat
90. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Freitod-Phantasien
91. Within Temptation - It's The Fear
92. Cynthia Witthoft - The Winged Horse
93. Кирилл Покровский - Scorching Wind
94. Uruk-Hai -gates_of_summer
95. Cynthia Witthoft - The Dolphin
96. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - The inexperienced Spiral Traveler II
97. Within Temptation - Jillian
98. Кирилл Покровский - Sighs of the Elvenkind
99. Cynthia Witthoft - The Techno Scorpion
100. Howard Shore - Tabard Studios
101. Стары Ольса - Niemiec
102. Howard Shore - Wrench Drops
103. Almighty Apostles - Undead From The Hell
104. Ария - Мертвая зона
Views: 4148
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16 November 13, 23:19
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.27
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Folk Metal, Pagan Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Viking Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.27
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental Metal, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Metal, Folk Metal, Pagan Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Viking Metal
01. Cynthia Witthoft - Neural Noise
02. Apocalyptica - Oh Holy Night
03. A Challenge Of Honour - FeuxFire
04. Agalloch - A Celebration For The Death Of Man...
05. AION - Forgotten sorrow
06. Alestorm - No Quarter
07. Amorphis - My Kantele
09. Ankhagram - End Of Everything
10. Arafel - The Last Breath Of Fire
11. Artrosis - Prośba
12. Ashram - Maria And The Violin's String
13. Autumn Rain Melancholy - Два Крыла
14. Ayas - Etyud
15. Cafй del Mar - Furioso
16. Chamber - La Danse Des Coers Brises
17. Cynthia Witthoft - Spheric Universe
18. Dalriada - Dregel
19. DogMa - Для Тебя...
20. Eluveitie - Anagantios
21. Evereve - Escape...
22. Flowing Tears - Turpentine
23. Flёur - Искупление
24. FolkStone - Ol Gir Del Druet
25. Folkvang - One Road To Asa Bay
26. Globus - Europe
27. Inferno - Балада о птице
28. Infestum - Dark Passage
29. Jelonek - Akka
30. Kroda - the Last Autumnal Breath
31. Lándevir - Tal Vez Soñar...
32. Libera - Far Away
33. Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free
34. Mägo de Oz - Fuerza y Honor El Dorado
35. Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody
36. Max Richter - The Tartu Piano
37. Melechesh - A Greater Chain Of Being
38. Blood of Kingu - Incoarika Incognita
39. Moonspell - Lua D'inverno
40. My Dying Bride - For My Falling Angel
41. Natural Spirit - Див
42. Blood of Kingu - Your Blood, Nubia! Your Power, Egypt!
43. Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
44. Obtest - Ikaitai
45. Phallus Dei - Afternoon Music
46. Pianochocolate - Flight
47. Riger - This Title In Runes
48. Sacriversum - Hybris
49. Blood of Kingu - Mummu Tiamat
50. Blood of Kingu - Stronghold of Megaliths, Thorns and Human Bones
51. Within Temptation - Sinйad
52. Samsas Traum - A - Wie Antarktika
53. Secret Garden - Nocturne
54. Skyclad - By George
55. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
56. sToa - Mors
57. Svafnir - Dammerung
58. Svartby - Gnom Slam
59. Thanateros - Asatoma
60. The String Quartet - Run To The Hills
61. Apocalyptica - Little Drummer Boy
62. Cynthia Witthoft - The Book of Taliesin
63. Кирилл Покровский - Таверна
64. Tuatha De Danann - Celtia
65. Turisas - Rasputin
66. Type O Negative - Haunted
67. Týr - The Beginning
68. Uruk-Hai - Under The Cold Stars Before The Rising Of The Moon
69. Vanessa Mae - Bach Street Prelude
70. Von Thronstahl - Bellum, Sacrum, Bellum
71. Within Temptation - Forgiven
72. Yiruma - Autumn Scene
73. Велимор - Дыхание Чёрного Леса
74. Волот - Відчай
75. Калевала - Таусень-рада
76. Кирилл Покровский - Majesty of the Fjords
77. Uruk-Hai - God Tears (Oh..Rain, Rain, Rain...)
78. Мор - сферы
79. Наследие Вагантов - Казаки
80. Смута - Земля отцов
81. Cynthia Witthoft - The Spoils of Annwn
82. Jelonek - Barock
83. Кирилл Покровский - Nocturne
84. Uruk-Hai - On An Evening Of Autumn
85. The String Quartet - The Number Of The Beast
86. Cynthia Witthoft - Hungarian Dream
87. Кирилл Покровский - Drunk With Dwarven Mirth
88. Within Temptation - Forsaken
89. Cynthia Witthoft - Nontheistic and Nonreligious Pro-Song
90. Blood of Kingu - Slaughter of Shudras
91. The String Quartet - 2 Minutes To Midnight
92. Cynthia Witthoft - Hal 9000 Revenge
93. Uruk-Hai - Return To The Sea Of Flames
94. Кирилл Покровский - Age of Aquarius
95. Almighty Apostles - Destruction Of Hell
02. Apocalyptica - Oh Holy Night
03. A Challenge Of Honour - FeuxFire
04. Agalloch - A Celebration For The Death Of Man...
05. AION - Forgotten sorrow
06. Alestorm - No Quarter
07. Amorphis - My Kantele
09. Ankhagram - End Of Everything
10. Arafel - The Last Breath Of Fire
11. Artrosis - Prośba
12. Ashram - Maria And The Violin's String
13. Autumn Rain Melancholy - Два Крыла
14. Ayas - Etyud
15. Cafй del Mar - Furioso
16. Chamber - La Danse Des Coers Brises
17. Cynthia Witthoft - Spheric Universe
18. Dalriada - Dregel
19. DogMa - Для Тебя...
20. Eluveitie - Anagantios
21. Evereve - Escape...
22. Flowing Tears - Turpentine
23. Flёur - Искупление
24. FolkStone - Ol Gir Del Druet
25. Folkvang - One Road To Asa Bay
26. Globus - Europe
27. Inferno - Балада о птице
28. Infestum - Dark Passage
29. Jelonek - Akka
30. Kroda - the Last Autumnal Breath
31. Lándevir - Tal Vez Soñar...
32. Libera - Far Away
33. Lisa Gerrard - Now We Are Free
34. Mägo de Oz - Fuerza y Honor El Dorado
35. Maksim Mrvica - Croatian Rhapsody
36. Max Richter - The Tartu Piano
37. Melechesh - A Greater Chain Of Being
38. Blood of Kingu - Incoarika Incognita
39. Moonspell - Lua D'inverno
40. My Dying Bride - For My Falling Angel
41. Natural Spirit - Див
42. Blood of Kingu - Your Blood, Nubia! Your Power, Egypt!
43. Nokturnal Mortum - Black Moon Overture
44. Obtest - Ikaitai
45. Phallus Dei - Afternoon Music
46. Pianochocolate - Flight
47. Riger - This Title In Runes
48. Sacriversum - Hybris
49. Blood of Kingu - Mummu Tiamat
50. Blood of Kingu - Stronghold of Megaliths, Thorns and Human Bones
51. Within Temptation - Sinйad
52. Samsas Traum - A - Wie Antarktika
53. Secret Garden - Nocturne
54. Skyclad - By George
55. Sopor Aeternus The Ensemble Of Shadows - Bitter Sweet
56. sToa - Mors
57. Svafnir - Dammerung
58. Svartby - Gnom Slam
59. Thanateros - Asatoma
60. The String Quartet - Run To The Hills
61. Apocalyptica - Little Drummer Boy
62. Cynthia Witthoft - The Book of Taliesin
63. Кирилл Покровский - Таверна
64. Tuatha De Danann - Celtia
65. Turisas - Rasputin
66. Type O Negative - Haunted
67. Týr - The Beginning
68. Uruk-Hai - Under The Cold Stars Before The Rising Of The Moon
69. Vanessa Mae - Bach Street Prelude
70. Von Thronstahl - Bellum, Sacrum, Bellum
71. Within Temptation - Forgiven
72. Yiruma - Autumn Scene
73. Велимор - Дыхание Чёрного Леса
74. Волот - Відчай
75. Калевала - Таусень-рада
76. Кирилл Покровский - Majesty of the Fjords
77. Uruk-Hai - God Tears (Oh..Rain, Rain, Rain...)
78. Мор - сферы
79. Наследие Вагантов - Казаки
80. Смута - Земля отцов
81. Cynthia Witthoft - The Spoils of Annwn
82. Jelonek - Barock
83. Кирилл Покровский - Nocturne
84. Uruk-Hai - On An Evening Of Autumn
85. The String Quartet - The Number Of The Beast
86. Cynthia Witthoft - Hungarian Dream
87. Кирилл Покровский - Drunk With Dwarven Mirth
88. Within Temptation - Forsaken
89. Cynthia Witthoft - Nontheistic and Nonreligious Pro-Song
90. Blood of Kingu - Slaughter of Shudras
91. The String Quartet - 2 Minutes To Midnight
92. Cynthia Witthoft - Hal 9000 Revenge
93. Uruk-Hai - Return To The Sea Of Flames
94. Кирилл Покровский - Age of Aquarius
95. Almighty Apostles - Destruction Of Hell
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